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Transmission of Ebola Virus Disease

31 Oktober 2018   08:08 Diperbarui: 31 Oktober 2018   08:14 374
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Do people know what Ebola is? Ebola is a disease that has caused many people to die through the spread of the virus. According to WHO (World Health Organization), "Ebola is an infection caused by the Ebola virus. It commonly called Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), EVD first appears in 1976 in South Sudan, Yambuku, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

Shortly after the  EVD occurred in Ebola river area, from which the disease takes its name. During the outbreak of EVD, the biggest disaster was found 2014-2016 in West Africa. It was the largest EVD outbreaks since the virus first discovered in 1976. 

There are three clans of Filoviridae of the virus, which are Ebolavirus, Cuevavirus, and Marburgvirus. Ebolavirus is the virus that caused many cases of death that exists in West Africa". 

Looking at the dangerous of EVD, people need to know how EVD transmitted into a human body and some problem on it.

The EVD spreads through direct the human body such as scars, damaged skin, eye membranes, nose or mouth. If the virus spreads from person to person, it will be affecting a large number of people. Based on CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), "Blood or body fluids (urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, and semen) of a person who is sick with or has died from EVD" (p.1) is one of the ways EVD is contagious. 

 who is infected through blood or body fluids usually a person who lives in the same house with an Ebola sufferer. In some cases, the mother will deliberately breastfeed her child without knowing that she has EVD in their body. Surely the EVD will be transmitted to the child body. 

Besides that, the recipient of the blood transfusion from Ebola sufferer, they will directly be contracting with the virus. These two examples are some of the reasons of how the Ebola virus spread through a human body.  

Ebola also can be transmitted through objects around the environment. Most people share their stuff with Ebola sufferer, so they will be infected if they used in the unclean condition. 

According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), "Ebola spread through objects contaminated with body fluids from the person who has EVD or died from EVD"(p.1) is one of the ways EVD transmitted into a human body. Most people who live with Ebola sufferer, they will use the same object like plate and spoon as the Ebola sufferer. 

Although having been washed, those eating utensils sometimes still contain the germ (EVD) from the previous eating activity. Health-workers also can be infected by EVD while they are threatening the patients. 

It has occurred because the workers have close contact with EVD patients. Those are examples of how EVD transmitted through object around the environment.

The other way EVD can transmit into a human body is by having sex with the Ebola sufferer. Most of the people in the world who are old enough, they must have their sex partner.

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) said in (p.1) that "Semen from a man who recovered from EVD (through oral, vaginal, or anal sex)" is one of the reasons why EVD can transmit to a human body. Its need to take attention on having sex with the Ebola sufferer. 

The woman who has sex with man Ebola sufferer might be contracted EVD without used contraception. The EVD will transmit directly through semen from a man to a woman during the practices of sex itself. 

How EVD can transmit into a human body is depended on the person itself. The current information about  EVD makes it essential how EVD can transmit to a human body. 

There are a lot of things that people can do to alleviate the transmission of EVD, such as people need to know the symptoms of Ebola itself. Try not to receive a blood transfusion from the person who had EVD before, but someone who had recovery from Ebola can still donate their blood. 

Because EVD transmitted through object easily, the people need to wash all of the stuff that has been used by Ebola sufferer and avoid to have close contact with them. Having a sexual relationship is not a common problem. 

It will be a problem if one of the players is EVD sufferer, for doing this kind of thing it needs contraception. But still, the people who have a sexual partner and used contraception with the Ebola sufferer does not rule out of the possibility that the other partner will not be exposed to EVD. 

Always update information about EVD and its development, to know the prevention and how to deal with the sufferer.


World Health Organization. Ebola Virus Disease. 2018, Accessed October 2018

Morbidity and Mortallity Weekly Report: Ebola Virus Disease. 2018. Centers for Disiase Control, Accessed October 2018

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