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Ilmu Sosbud

Boycotting Israelis products: An acts of justice

1 Juli 2024   16:00 Diperbarui: 1 Juli 2024   16:18 48
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Iam sure you readers are familiar regarding this act of movements and controversy about boycotting Israeli products for the sake of the Palestinian people who are suffering and in need of justice, in this article I will be giving an information regarding this topic, giving a broader insight and functions of boycotting Israeli products.

The boycott of Israeli Products is a prominent part of the broader Boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) movement, which aims to apply economic and political pressure on Israel. This movement seeks to address issues related to Palestinian rights and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This article explores the origins, goals, and impacts of boycotting Israeli products, alongside arguments against this form of protest.

Origins and Goals of the Boycott

It originated from the BDS movement in 2005 by a group of Palestinian civil society organizations, its aim is to apply pressure towards Israel with international law and respect Palestinian rights through non-violent means. The movement has three main goals which is: ending Israel’s occupation and colonization of Arab lands, recognizing the rights of Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality, and respecting the rights of the return of Palestinian refugees,

Types of Boycotts.

There are several types of boycotts as, boycotts serves a huge purpose on contributing towards Palestinian defending themselves against the Israelis, as this form of action prevents a huge sum of money from us purchasing Zionist products/Israelis products, going into military funds for the war specifically for the Israeli’s army, a significant loss for Zionist companies, an example of this is: 20-30% Sales Decline, Public sentiment against Israel has led to a 20-30% sales decline and the closure of several popular Western company outlets over the past six months, 10% demand suppression: Beyond the demand suppression of about 10%, the harassment of employees and threats to dedicated outlets have severely impacted companies, NIS 40 Billion Losses: a recent finance ministry report in Israel estimates that a full international boycott could lead to losses of NIS 40 billion ($105 billion) and substantial job cuts.

Those examples are clear indications that the results of boycott is efficient on reducing military funds for Israel, as us Muslims or anyone with empathy the least we could do is to buy other products which aren’t Zionist as it is a sign of support from ourselves in contributing and helping the Palestinian going through the harsh environment and war, the type of boycotts you can do is consumer boycotts, academic and cultural boycotts, and economic boycotts, which ever boycott it is it will contribute significantly.

Consumer Boycotts:

Consumer boycotts encourage individuals to avoid purchasing products made in Israel or by companies that are perceived as supporting Israeli policies. Common products of this includes from companies such as: Mcdonalds, KFC, coca-cola, and certain agricultural goods, the aim is to reduce economic benefits that these companies derive from their operations.

Academic and Cultural Boycotts

Academic and cultural boycotts is the avoidance of any cooperation or collaboration with Israeli academic and cultural institutions or organizations unless they explicitly oppose Israeli policies towards Palestinians. An act of this includes, refusing to participate in conference or events held In Israel or in paid partnership nor non paid partnership with Israeli institutions

Economic Boycotts

Economic boycotts aim at companies that support Israelis policies as it is seen harmful towards Palestinians or involved in occupation or any types of collaboration supporting Israel. Campaigns often urger universities and pension funds to stop investing in these companies, an example of this act is the boycotting of firms in construction in occupied territories or supplying military gear to Israeli forces.

Arguments For and Against boycotts

Despite its reasons to boycott Israelis product and the functions it still leads to arguments and controversy because there are several key factors to understand and notice, as this issue is actually still debated on several aspects regarding whether it is right or wrong to consume and still use products of Zionist productions. Here I would be explaining the support sides for boycotts and the protest sides for boycotts regarding on which side fits the most it still an arguably debated controversy, everything else on further opinions can be used as a discussion with friends or anyone else, but besides everything allow me to give a brief information regarding this.

Support for Boycotts:

  • Human Rights: Advocates argue that boycotting Israeli products is a non-violent way to pressure Israel and to improve and reach out human rights situation for Palestinians alongside showing empathy
  • Awareness: Boycotts help raise global awareness about the issues faced by Palestinians and keep the political situation in public, providing information and constant support
  • Economic impact: Boycotting provides a significant economic decrease towards military funds for Israeli, making it harder for them to buy ammunition and military needs

Opposition to Boycotts:

  • Economic downfall: Critics argue and highlights that the potential negative impact on Palestinian works employed by Israeli companies or in industries tied to the Israeli economy
  • Peace Process: Some people believe that boycotts can hinder the process of peace as it fosters hostility and reducing opportunities for cooperation and negotiation
  • Anti-Semitism Concerns: Critics argue that the boycott can sometimes overlap the anti-Semitic sentiments, unfairly mistargeting jews globally rather than focusing solely on Israeli policies.


The boycott of Israeli products is a complex and debatable controversy, reflecting wide debates about the best way to achieve peace and justice in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Whether boycott is a powerful tool for advocating human rights or as a polarizing force that complicates the path to peace, the movement continues to shape the discussion as its one of the most enduring and challenging conflicts in modern history, whether the boycott should still be implemented regarding our Muslim workers providing for their families in Zionist companies and the lost of jobs of our Muslims, or should we keep implementing as it reduces military funds for Israeli, a very debatable topic solely relying on ones opinion on which is better but as in my opinion is, if you aren’t tied to any Zionist needs or purposes then avoid purchasing or having any connection with the institutions or company, if you are tied because you need to provide for your family and provide for yourself, do what’s best for you to survive because even pigs can be consumed when it is an urgency.

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