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Muhammad Eko Purwanto
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Beyond the National Education Standards: Accelerated Learning Program at the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Junior High School, Bekasi City

8 Januari 2024   09:50 Diperbarui: 8 Januari 2024   10:14 116
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Image Source: Doc. School (Students of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 8 Kemang Pratama, Preparing to take part in the Learning Acceleration Program)

By Muhammad Eko Purwanto

Education is one of the essential foundations in shaping a bright and prosperous future for our children. In Indonesia, Junior High School (SMP) is the level of education that serves as a stepping stone for students to progress to higher levels of education. However, in facing an increasingly competitive global world, there is a need to go beyond the existing education standards so that students can compete effectively and succeed in the future.

One school that adopts an innovative approach to enhancing the quality of learning and exceeding educational standards is the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School. Through the accelerated learning program developed at this school, students can master the material better and proceed to the next level of education more prepared.

The accelerated learning program at the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School is based on the belief that every child has a unique potential. This program provides an education responsive to students' needs and strives to help them optimally develop their abilities and talents. One of the main goals of this program is to provide opportunities for high-potential students to pursue lessons at a pace that suits their development.

Image Source: School Doc. (Students of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 8 Kemang Pratama, activities at the Al Azhar Kemang Pratama Campus Mosque)
Image Source: School Doc. (Students of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 8 Kemang Pratama, activities at the Al Azhar Kemang Pratama Campus Mosque)

One main component of this program is the implementation of a specially designed curriculum that emphasizes deep understanding, practical application, and active learning. This curriculum design is developed based on the Graduation Competency Standards (SKL) set by the national Ministry of Education and Culture. However, by utilizing innovative teaching methods and providing additional assignments, the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School can explore subjects and class hours beyond the standard curriculum and accelerate students' understanding.

The Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School also provides extracurricular opportunities and supporting activities for students participating in the accelerated learning program. Through these activities, students can deepen their interests and talents in areas such as sports, arts, or scientific activities. These opportunities aim to complement the holistic development of students, provide exploration opportunities, and enrich their learning experiences beyond the classroom environment.

To support the implementation of this accelerated learning program, the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School has qualified and dedicated teachers. The teachers at this school are trained to adopt innovative teaching techniques such as project-based approaches, group discussions, and the utilization of information technology. With these varied approaches, students are encouraged to think critically, collaborate, and develop other essential skills to face future challenges.

Image Source: School Documents (Students of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 8 Kemang Pratama, Discussion activities in the Library)
Image Source: School Documents (Students of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 8 Kemang Pratama, Discussion activities in the Library)

The Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School also implements a more responsive and inclusive evaluation method. The entire teaching and learning process, as well as student achievements, are closely monitored. Teachers provide regular and continuous feedback, and individualized learning efforts are provided when necessary. This helps teachers better understand the needs of each student and provides opportunities for students who have not reached the minimum standards to improve their understanding.

The success of the accelerated learning program at the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School can be seen from the increased achievements of students and high graduation rates. Many students have shown significant progress in understanding various subjects, including higher-level ones. They also become more prepared to confidently continue to the next level of education, such as Senior High School.

However, it is essential to note that this accelerated learning program is not without challenges. Students participating in this program must improve their discipline and time management skills. They must be able to combine deep understanding with faster task completion. Additionally, teachers and school staff must provide constant support and ensure that students remain motivated and have opportunities to overcome any difficulties.

Image Source: School Document (Students of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 8 Kemang Pratama, Socialization of Learning Acceleration Program)
Image Source: School Document (Students of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 8 Kemang Pratama, Socialization of Learning Acceleration Program)

In the face of a rapidly changing world, improving the quality of education becomes crucial. Going beyond the existing educational standards is a fast and effective step toward preparing our students to face future challenges. The accelerated learning program at the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School is an inspiring example of how innovation in education can positively impact the learning process and the future of students.

General Requirements

The Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School is one of the Al Azhar Islamic schools managed by YW Al Muhajirien Jakapermai, which is committed to providing the best education to all its students. Through the accelerated learning program, the school provides opportunities for students with the potential to participate in learning with higher difficulty levels than regular classes. However, before being able to participate in this program, students must meet the general requirements set by the school. The following are the general requirements to participate in the accelerated learning program at the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School:

Image Source: School Document (Students of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 8 Kemang Pratama, Socialization of Learning Acceleration Program)
Image Source: School Document (Students of Al Azhar Islamic Middle School 8 Kemang Pratama, Socialization of Learning Acceleration Program)

1.   Excellent Academic Achievement

The first requirement to participate in the accelerated learning program at the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School is that students must have above-average academic achievements. This includes excellent and consistent report card grades and high learning abilities. Students are expected to have above-normal intelligence and fast and effective learning abilities. To ensure the quality of students entering this program, the school will also consider entrance test results, which include general knowledge tests and logical thinking abilities.

2.   Good English Language Skills

The accelerated learning program at the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School emphasizes the importance of English language proficiency as one of the necessary skills in the current global world. Therefore, the second requirement is that students must have good English language skills. This ability will be assessed through tests that evaluate speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills in English. Students who meet the school's established standards will be given priority to participate in this program.

Image Source: School Document (Students of the Accelerated Learning Program at SMP Islam Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama)
Image Source: School Document (Students of the Accelerated Learning Program at SMP Islam Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama)

3.   High Motivation and Commitment

Students who want to participate in the accelerated learning program at the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School must have high motivation and commitment to education. This program has a higher study load than regular classes, so students must be prepared to face more challenging academic difficulties. Students are also expected to have a solid determination to achieve high achievements and not easily give up when faced with difficulties.

4.   Recommendations from Teachers and Parents

The final requirement is that students receive suitable recommendations from teachers in previous schools and parents. These recommendations include assessments of academic achievements, discipline, compliance, personality, and student seriousness in learning. Students who receive strong recommendations will be more likely to be accepted into the accelerated learning program.

In the face of challenges in implementing this program, the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School must maintain its commitment to providing higher quality and inclusive education. By encouraging active participation from teachers, students, parents, and school staff, as well as providing space for student exploration and leadership development, the accelerated learning program at the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School will continue to exceed educational standards and produce generations ready to face the future with confidence. Therefore, the general requirements that students must fulfill to participate in the accelerated learning program at the Al Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama Islamic Junior High School, God willing, provide opportunities for all high-potential students to develop themselves in a more competitive and challenging learning environment !? Wallahu A'lamu Bishshowab.

Bekasi, January 8, 2024.

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