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Ilmu Sosbud

The Practice of Women: Women's Play Role in Society

20 Desember 2022   14:23 Diperbarui: 20 Desember 2022   14:40 97
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The phenomenon of human rights is a hot topic that came across people nowadays. Everybody raises their voice to seek what it calls human rights. But what makes women different from men whenever the words "human rights" are involved? 

The discrimination that women get in society escorts them to undergo hardship to live everyday life. The different treatment they got brings struggle to live a normal life since they need to make an extra effort to avoid the violation that occurs to women. The contrast of unfairness that women have to deal with that does not apply the same to men makes women have to work two times harder to be recognized. 

World Health Organization ("WHO") reported over 25 percent between the age of 15 to 49 women had experienced sexual and/or physical violation. This number can be explained in percentage from the area approach. 20% of the case happened in Western Pacific,  22% of the case came from high-income nations and Europe, 25% from the WHO Regions of the Americas 33% in the WHO African area, 31% in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean region, and 33% in the WHO South-East Asia region.

Since Indonesia is a country based on law, Indonesia owned legal protection for women. For instance, Article 1 Verse 1 Act no. 12 the year of 2022 of the Sexual Violence Code. Managing the prevention of any kind of sexual violence, such as handling, protecting, and restoring presented for the victim. There is also a law to protect women under marriage violations regulated in article 351 jo 356 (1) on the Criminal Law Code and for violation of underage marriage, it can be charged with Article 288 on the Criminal Law Code. 

United Stage also prevents women from getting violated with The Civil Right Act of 1946 which succeed to bring freedom and call for equal treatment to women. The Civil Right Act was the climax of several conflicts that had a beginning early in American History.

Another comparison is, In the UK, the Representation of People Act allowed women over 30 years old to vote with some property qualification after 1918. About 8.5 million women passed the criteria which is about two third the women population in the UK. Even though it was a big move for women, there is still a difference in the treatment between men and women. 

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women ("CEDAW") in 1979.  CEDAW is a policy that covers women's rights protection and gender-based discrimination under International Law. Over 180 states have been ratified to CEDAW. In Part I Article I of CEDAW mentioned the purposes of the current convention which the "discrimination against women" refers to any sex-based distinction, exclusion, or restriction that has the effect or purpose of preventing women from recognizing, enjoying, or exercising human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil, or other fields, regardless of their marital status, on the basis of equality of men and women.

"The second wave" of feminism that happened in the United States in the 1960s-1970s is the scope for freedom and equal rights of women. It was called the Women's Liberation Movement. The first period of feminism emphasis for women's legal rights mainly on the voice to participate in voting. In this movement,  equality in education and job opportunities are the major prior on this movement. 

The example that has been given plays a big part in women's protection in society. The number of movements and regulations helps women to rise up from any kind of discrimination. There are changes that these policies and movements but still not enough to really change the mindset of what has been formed in the community. The impact that these movements make is not enough to give closure to the problem that women are currently facing. It will take more time to deliver the purpose and intention of the movement that the women are voicing about women's rights to the public. 

Since women are also part of human beings human rights are currently a hot topic among people and also take part in the growth that happens. So the steps of progression but sure are important in order to make a big change in people's mindsets. The women's rights that are currently being voiced are in progress that still going on and needs to be fought.

Things that people can do to help raise voices for women's rights are support each other, volunteer with women's rights organizations, and starts a fundraiser to bring the same interest individual together so that it makes the community bigger and the voice raised are also louder, donate to women's movements and organizations; to help to raise their funding to improve many ways to spread the women's right to people in the society.

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