Take a look at these pictures. Here we have a lot of people really trying to continue their friendship online in a new way, starting to learn new things, and trying to live a healthier life. Instead of looking lost, they find new courage and take on new challenges.
That's why I think instead of the "Lost Generation", we should call it the "Welcome Generation", because instead of being afraid of change, this generation will say "Welcome" to each other and move on.
That's right. If we continue to believe in opportunity and hope, we will not lose our way, but find new ones.
We won't always make perfect choices, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything we can do.
What matters is the choices we make in the face of change. When we heard about our coming to the UN, many people wondered if we had been vaccinated. I will take this opportunity to say that all seven of us have been vaccinated.