Jin will show you some of the answers we received.
You can feel positive things just from seeing this. There have been times over the last two years when I have also felt confused and difficult, but still, we have people screaming "let's live, let's make the most of this moment".
Because we shouldn't be silent when we are at the right time of our lives to take on a new challenge. It's not that we can't blame anyone, and you must be feeling the frustration I felt yesterday. But the world changes as we are transported in an instant to another world.
I'm sad to hear that the admission and graduation ceremony had to be cancelled. It's a moment in life that we all want to celebrate, and missing it can be upsetting. We were also disappointed when our long concert tour plans were cancelled, and for a long time we missed the moments we wanted to finish.
Yes, this is a time for us to grieve, for the things that Covid-19 has taken from us, a time to discover how precious every moment we take for granted.
Suga mentioned the precious things that were taken for granted, and many people answered our questions by sharing photos of their precious moments. Many people show themselves in nature. It seems that over the past two years, the time we spend in nature has felt even more special.