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Foreign NGOs Should Honor the Legal Process and Not Interventions on Land Settlement in Indonesia

12 September 2017   01:01 Diperbarui: 12 September 2017   01:09 686
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Foreign NGOs Should Honor The Legal Process And Not Interventions On Land Settlement In Indonesia

- portal sumatera

MEDAN (portalsumatera dot com) - The land settlement process in Indonesia is not completed. Starting from the customary land to the land that worked the community up to tens of years. Even until now there has been no real and concrete data collection and recording of land issues.

Critical land, customary land and land arise, data collection from the government until now has not been done, so it can be exploited by foreigners (foreign) to spread the issue of land in the country.

According to North Sumatra environmental observer Jaya Arjuna, the issue of customary land that is developing in North Sumatra, reportedly 'ridden' by foreign parties (NGO) is a mistake by the government which in this case has not done real data collection.

"In fact, the development of technology has been very supportive to do a good record on the side of the coordinates of the land. So that land problems experienced by North Sumatra can be overcome, "he said.

Addressing the issue of customary land developed by foreign NGOs (NGO), Jaya Arjuna criticized it. "Do foreign parties that have data how much the customary land in North Sumatra. What is the definition of customary land. Do not mix the problems of customary land in Indonesia, especially North Sumatra? "Jaya asked the media crew, Friday (18/08/2017).

This USU lecturer appealed, do not the outside parties who do not have concrete data on customary land issues spread this issue in Indonesia, especially in North Sumatra. "The issue of indigenous land issues is very sensitive. It could lead to human and legal conflicts.This should be immediately anticipated by the government. Indonesia is a legal country which has existing and ongoing land law regulation. Therefore, outside parties must respect the existing regulations and rules, "he said.

Jaya asserted, it is time for the government to think about taking the steps of data collection and listing the existing land area, such as critical land, customary land and arise."In the future, there will be no new issues in the land affairs that could disturb the community's condition to the investment climate in the country and North Sumatra itself," he said . (Bas)

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