Mohon tunggu...
Alvian Dharma
Alvian Dharma Mohon Tunggu... Tutor - Epicurean

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Puisi Pilihan

What I See

21 September 2020   22:10 Diperbarui: 21 September 2020   22:57 22
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My love
do you see what I see?
cloudless night illuminated by the moon
that shine on the beggar child
who just want a silver spoon

My love
do you see what I see?
amidst the edifices of banal desire
where money is gain and power is won
there is a man who never had money nor power
since he was born

My love
do you see what I see?
there's a couple fighting outside the bar
the woman accuse him of kissing with the waiter
and the man accuse her of fornicating with the bartender
both of them understand that the flame has ceased to exist
and they only want an excuse to begin with

My love
do you see what I see?
your figure standing in the balcony
hanging your head and lost in thought
you think of many things except me
for I see what you don't see
the face of love
for someone, not I

Mohon tunggu...

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