F is the frequency of error
N is the total number of sample (Bluman, 2004:68)
Results and Discussion
 In analyzing learning errors, four-step procedures from Ellis on Romadoni (2018: 146) were adopted. The first identifying, the second describing, the third explaining, and the fourth evaluating errors. Describing error, carried out by classifying the errors according to all four main classification of the Surface Strategy Taxonomy categorize by Dulay  consisting omission, addition, misformation (selection), and misordering categories.
The types of errors areomission, addition, misformation, and misordering. The result of the classification was calculated by the frequency and the percentage of each error. (See table 1.)
Table 1. The Total and Percentage Types of Errors the Use of Simple Present Tense Verb on Students'Writing Procedure Text.
Types of Errors