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Ilmu Sosbud

The Significance of Islamic Political Thought in the Contemporary Indonesian Political Landscape

30 Juni 2024   04:39 Diperbarui: 30 Juni 2024   07:41 121
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Input sumbeImplementasi Pemikiran Politik Islam di Zaman Modern ( 

Islamic political thought in Indonesia has a long history dating back to the 13th century, with various transformations and adaptations influenced by social, cultural and political changes. Islamic organisations such as Sarekat Islam played an important role in resisting colonialism and fighting for the economic and political rights of Muslims. Islamic figures such as Haji Agus Salim, Mohammad Natsir, and Buya Hamka contributed to the formation of an inclusive and moderate state foundation, which is reflected in the state ideology, Pancasila.

During the New Order, Islamic political power was marginalised, but finally re-emerged after 1998. Islamic-based political parties such as the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the United Development Party (PPP), and the Moon Star Party (PBB) emerged and became an important part of the Indonesian political system. The focus of Islamic political thought during this period was to incorporate Islamic values into a democratic political system aligned with justice, welfare and public participation. However, Islamic political thought faced problems such as radicalism and extremism, as well as internal conflicts among Islamic organisations and parties.

Understanding the position and contribution of Islamic political thought in modern Indonesian politics is crucial to integrating Islamic principles into an inclusive and just democratic political system and overcoming current challenges to enhance Indonesia's democracy and progress in the future.


Islamic political thought has a long and varied history in Indonesia, having initially arrived in the country in the 13th century. Islam became a prevalent religion among the people and the basis of political ideology thereafter, impacting various aspects of social, cultural and political life in the region. Islamic organisations such as Sarekat Islam emerged during the colonial period, especially in the early 20th century, as a platform to fight for the economic and political rights of Muslims. 

Islamic political thought aligned with Indonesian nationalism and democracy was shaped by figures such as Haji Agus Salim and Mohammad Natsir. Islamic political thought continued to adapt to the dynamics of national politics after Indonesia's independence in 1945. Although sometimes suppressed and marginalised by the New Order government, they still played a role in articulating the political aspirations of Muslims. 

The reform era since 1998 became an important turning point, allowing the rise of Islamic-based political parties such as the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), which actively supported the application of Islamic principles in a more inclusive democracy. Islamic political thought continues to contribute to the development of a just and equitable society in Indonesia, despite facing challenges such as radicalism and criticism of the politicisation of religion.


Islamic political figures have played a huge role in Indonesian history, especially in fighting colonialism and building a separate nation.

  • Haji Agus Salim, also referred to as the "Founder of Indonesian Diplomacy", was an important figure in Indonesia's diplomacy at the global level, especially in the struggle to detach Indonesia from the Netherlands and establish relations with other countries.
  • During his time as leader of the Masyumi Party, Mohammad Natsir actively supported the struggle for Indonesian independence. In addition, he played an important role in the drafting of the 1945 Constitution, which incorporated Islamic values in the country's constitution.
  • Besides being a renowned academic and writer, Buya Hamka also helped spread moderate and inclusive Islamic thought through his works. In addition, he also supported the creation of a state constitution that prioritises justice and diversity. He not only helped in the world of formal politics, but also provided guidance to others on how to build a pluralist and democratic state based on the principles of social justice.


The dynamics of Islamic politics became an important part of Indonesia's political history during the reform era, which lasted from 1998 to the present. After the New Order collapsed, political liberalisation emerged and encouraged the formation of new political parties, including Islamic parties such as the Justice Party and later the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).  These parties not only helped to maintain morality and anti-corruption, but also became a significant political force in elections, with great support from community groups that prioritised the application of Islamic values in public life. However, issues related to radicalism and extremism, as well as criticism of the application of inclusive democratic principles, are challenges to the presence of Islamic politics. Nonetheless, Islamic politics in Indonesia is moderating, with some parties taking a pragmatic approach to public policy and actively participating in the democratisation process to support the country's social and economic justice agenda. This dynamic shows how the journey of Islamic politics to build a just and equitable society in Indonesia is very complex.


Islamic political thought and democracy significantly influence Indonesia's political modernization process. Islamic principles such as musyawarah, or consultation, and social justice are examples of the compatibility between Islam and democracy. Musyawarah's principle emphasises the importance of open discussion and active participation in decision-making, in keeping with the essence of democracy, which prioritises fair public participation and representation. However, the value of social justice in Islam demands fair treatment for everyone without discrimination based on their social or religious background. To ensure that Islamic principles do not conflict with basic democratic principles such as human rights and pluralism, the application of Islamic values in democratic political practice in Indonesia is challenging. PKS and other Islam-based political parties in Indonesia have endeavoured to combine Islamic values with democratic values, promoting public morality and social justice within an inclusive legal framework. These efforts demonstrate that Islamic political thought can not only co-exist with democracy but can also enrich and strengthen democracy by respecting diversity and individual rights in an increasingly complex and pluralist society.


There are great opportunities for Islamic political thought in the future to play an important role in Indonesian and world politics. In Indonesia, Islamic-based political parties can continue to mobilise the masses with social and moral programmes based on Islamic principles, such as social justice and anti-corruption. This opportunity is supported by growing political awareness and increasing public participation in an inclusive democracy. However, there are many challenges to balancing religious desires with the secular democracy and pluralism on which the country is based. In addition, discrimination against Islam as a radicalised political religion is also a problem to be faced worldwide. so, Islamic political thought can help build a just, equitable, and harmonious society in an increasingly complex era. It depends on how well it can develop methods that are inclusive, progressive, and respectful of universal values like human rights, pluralism, and tolerance.

I would like to emphasise that Islamic political thought in Indonesia faces various challenges and opportunities in the future. With a strong base in Islamic values such as deliberation and social justice, Islamic political thought can continue to be a relevant political force by mobilising moral and social agendas within an increasingly democratic framework. However, it is important to address emerging challenges, such as integrating Islamic values without compromising secular pluralism and democracy. Developing an inclusive and progressive vision of Islamic politics requires preserving a positive image of Islam from global stigmatisation. Islamic political thought can help build a just, harmonious and equitable society both locally and internationally by taking a wise approach and supporting political education that prioritises tolerance and human rights.

Name: Pinkan Indrianika arief_20230510120_L Class

Universitas muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 

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