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Ilmu Sosbud

The Impact of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense Cooperation and SAAB Sweden in the Development of Defense and Security Technology

23 Januari 2024   22:37 Diperbarui: 24 Januari 2024   09:01 132
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

            International relations is a complex domain involving interactions between countries around the world. Along with the times, technological developments, and globalization, international relations not only covers political aspects, but also reaches economic, social, cultural, and environmental aspects. At the global level, countries forge relationships and influence each other, creating a complex sphere of common interests and competition. Changes in power structures, conflicts, and international cooperation are key elements that shape the dynamics of international relations. In this regard, diplomacy and negotiation become the main means of resolving conflicts and reaching agreements between countries to reach sustainable solutions.

         In international relations, cooperation between countries plays an important role as a key to overcoming common challenges and promoting common interests. Countries cooperate in various fields, including economy, security, environment, security defense and social welfare. Security defense cooperation is one of the important aspects in the context of international relations, security defense is closely interrelated in joint efforts to maintain stability and protect security both at the regional and global levels. Countries often form alliances and partnerships to strengthen collective defense and respond to shared security threats. Security defense cooperation initiatives can involve mutual defense agreements, joint military exercises, intelligence exchanges, and the establishment of military alliances. By working together on defense, countries can combine their resources to improve the effectiveness of their defenses and provide rapid responses to security threats.

         The development of the world marked by rapid scientific and technological progress has strengthened relations and dependencies between countries. Along with the increase, international cooperation in various forms of agreements, including those related to the field of defense, is increasing. In recent years, Indonesia has increased its budget allocation for its defense sector, demonstrating its strong commitment to strengthening its defense capabilities and safeguarding its security. Indonesia also conducts defense cooperation with other countries to strengthen defense and security. One of them is the cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia and Svenska Aeroplan AB (SAAB) which is a Royal Swedish technology company specializing in defense, aviation and aerospace.

         The Kingdom of Sweden has a highly developed and qualified defense industry, so it can serve as a strategic partner to develop the defense industry in Indonesia. Through the cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia and Svenska Aeroplan AB (SAAB), Indonesia hopes that the joint production process and technology transfer in the defense sector can be carried out more smoothly, including the manufacture of fighter aircraft in Indonesia. The overall cooperation is expected to increase Indonesia's independence in meeting the needs of the TNI's Main Equipment Defense System (Alutsista), as well as open up opportunities for business growth and defense industry markets in Indonesia.

         Cooperation between the Indonesian Ministry of Defense and the Kingdom of Sweden (SAAB) regarding the development and maintenance of the JAS 39 Gripen fighter aircraft. The JAS 39 Gripen is a single-engine multi-role fighter aircraft produced by Swedish aerospace company SAAB. The JAS 39 Gripen is a new generation multi-role fighter aircraft that uses advanced technology and is capable of performing a variety of missions both from air to air, air to surface and reconnaissance using a variety of the most modern weapons. The JAS 39 Gripen also has low drag, which allows it to fly faster, increase range, and carry larger payloads.

         The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Sweden have agreed to establish cooperation in the defense sector to enhance and strengthen their bilateral relations. On 22 September 2015, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, Ryamizard Ryacudu, and the Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Sweden, Peter Hultqvist, paid an official visit to discuss potential cooperation in the field of defense. The agreement was then realized on December 20, 2016 through the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU). During the period 2015-2019, Indonesia and Sweden have held several meetings and activities as part of efforts to implement the previously agreed memorandum of understanding (MoU). For example, in 2016, a delegation from Sweden led by General Miceal Byden, Chief of the Royal Swedish Defence Staff, visited Indonesia. During the visit, discussions were held on plans for cooperation in the field of military education and training.

         In 2018, Indonesia once again visited Sweden, on the occasion to discuss increasing cooperation in the field of defense between the two countries. In 2019, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia and the Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Sweden again held a meeting during the Munich Security Conference, signaling the intensification of cooperative relations between Indonesia and Sweden. This overall development culminated with the signing of a defense cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia and Svenska Aeroplan AB (SAAB) on October 21, 2022. The agreement is a concrete step that follows the previously agreed MoU.

            Some of the impacts of cooperation between Indonesia and Sweden in the field of defense and security are as follows:

1. Political Impact

The ratification of this agreement will have positive implications for the political aspects of the two countries, namely improving and strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries so that it is expected to encourage the strengthening of cooperation in other fields that are beneficial to development and national interests. In this agreement are applied the principles of equality, common interests, and full respect for sovereignty. Based on this principle, this agreement will not have negative implications on political relations between the two countries because it has been agreed that in its implementation it will not interfere in each other's internal affairs including the political affairs of the two countries.

2. Law Impact

From a law aspect, this agreement has no negative implications because all disputes that occur will be resolved peacefully through consultation or negotiation between the two countries. From other technical aspects of the law, this agreement allows for the exchange of technical information that may contain intellectual property rights. To avoid violations of intellectual property rights, the two countries have agreed to respect each other's intellectual property in accordance with their respective national laws and regulations.

3. Impact on Defense and Security

This agreement will only carry out activities that benefit both parties without posing a risk to the security of their respective countries. Both countries have agreed to take responsibility and are committed to the security arrangements and protection of their confidential information.

4. Impact on HR

One of the scopes of this cooperation is the exchange of personnel for education, professional training, visits, and joint research including the exchange of experts, technicians, and trainers for the benefit of defense. This personnel exchange is expected to occur transfer of knowledge so as to increase the capacity of defense personnel owned by both countries.

5. Impact of Implications of Cooperation on State Finance

According to Article 8 of the agreement between the government of the Republic of Indonesia and the government of the Kingdom of Sweden on cooperation in the field of defense, each party shall bear their own costs arising from cooperation under the agreement, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. Related to personnel exchange cooperation for professional training education, transportation costs, accommodation, and other living costs while in the destination country will be borne by the sending country. Therefore, approval does not result in a new financial burden.

            Relationship with international relations, Cooperation between the Indonesian Ministry of Defense and Swedish defense companies, such as SAAB, in the development of defense and security technologies has a significant impact on international relations. Within the bilateral framework, this collaboration strengthens the involvement of Indonesia and Sweden in the exchange of technology and knowledge, creating closer ties between the two countries. In addition, this cooperation can also be seen as a step of economic and industrial diplomacy, strengthening economic relations and creating opportunities for investment in the defense sector. The defense technologies developed through this cooperation not only contribute to Indonesia's national security, but also have a positive impact on regional security. Enhanced defense capabilities can create stability at the regional level, strengthening security cooperation between neighboring countries. In addition, this cooperation allows Indonesia to be more integrated in the global security architecture, strengthen its position in international projects, and benefit from global resources and knowledge. Overall, cooperation in the development of defense and security technologies is not only about building defense capabilities, but also about playing a more active and beneficial role in the dynamics of international relations in the field of defense and security.

Subject: Indonesian Foreign Policy

My name is Pia Dewi Rahma from the International Relations Study Program, Yogyakarta Technology University, Accredited "B" Class of 2022. I chose the International Relations Study Program because I am interested in global issues, such as diplomacy, international conflict, and international organizations.  This is what motivated me to major in International Relations.  I also have the dream of working in a multinational company or government institution, namely the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  The courses I like is International Politics and my favorite lecturer is Mrs. Lucitania Rizky, S.I.P., M.A. and Mr. Muhammad Ridha Iswardhana, S.I.P., M.A. and Mr. Adi Wibawa, S.I.P., M.A. I have plans to take public concentration.

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