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#2019GantiPresiden, An Australian Trap to Mr. Joko Widodo

1 September 2018   11:29 Diperbarui: 1 September 2018   12:00 1516
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Kapoda Kalbar Arief Sulistyanto receive award from #2019GantiPresiden activist Isa Anshari. Source :

Everybody talk about #2019GantiPresiden, but not any single one I saw in the internet talk about the connection of this controversial hashtag, with Australian govt.

Thursday. August 23, 2018, Australian Consulate in Indonesia City of Surabaya Boosts Security After Threat.

Australian govt decide to announce in public, rather than to make a silent contact, G2G to Indonesian govt. Why?

Did Indo-Aussie relationships crack?

As far as I know, Indo-Aussie relationships are closer, after controversial maneuver from former Indonesian Military Chief Gatot Nurmantyo last year.

Moreover, Mr Joko Widodo (Indonesian President) just inaugurate Arief Sulistyanto as Kabareskrim (Chief of Bareskrim/Crime Division in Indonesian police dept) by August 17, 2018. Just a few days before security warning from Australian Consulate in Surabaya.

August 17, 2018, Irjen Arief Sulistyanto Resmi Jabat Kabareskrim.

In 2013, Indonesian police dept receive a grant (cyber-crime investigating tools) from Australian govt. The key person? Yes, Arief Sulistyanto. Now we know this guy had a very very closed relationships with Australian govt.

November 22, 2013, Polri Akui Dapat Hibah Peralatan IT dari Australia.

Back to Surabaya. Australian warning to Surabaya potential attack, of course reminds us to Surabaya Attack, May 13, 2018. And of course, reminds us to Riau University terrorists raid by the Police.

June 3, 2018, Polisi : Terduga Teroris di UNRI Berencana Bom Gedung DPR.

My temporary conclusion, Riau are terrorist home-base and Surabaya are potential terrorist targets. If you receive a security warning about potential terrorist attack, so you should put your eyes on Riau and Surabaya.

So now we found this 4 connectivities :

Relationships between Arief Sulistyanto and Australian govt when Indonesian police dept receive grant (cyber-crime tools)

Terrorism, Surabaya attacks (May 13, 2018) and Riau University raids (June 3, 2018).

Arief Sulistyanto promotions as Kabareskrim (August 17, 2018)

Australian warning for potential Surabaya attacks (August 23, 2018).

Suddenly, we were surprised by #2019GantiPresiden Declarations in Riau and Surabaya on Sunday, August 26, 2018.

Interesting, right?

This #2019GantiPresiden hashtag movement, now become most popular talk in Indonesian political segment.

Arief Sulistyanto 'the police' told the media to ask the KPU and Bawaslu. He avoids giving a clear answer. August 28, 2018, Kabareskrim : Kasus Tagar 2019 Ganti Presiden Ranah Bawaslu.

The electoral authority said, the #2019GantiPresiden Declarations did not violate campaign rules. August 29, 2018, KPU - Bawaslu Izinkan #2019GantiPresiden.

Seems no one have a courage to giving a clear answer, except Indonesian intelligence service (Badan Intelijen Negara / BIN). BIN told the media, disallowance for #2019GantiPresiden movement, because of its similarity to Syria caliphate (khilafah) movement in 2011, before Syria civil war.

August 29, 2018, BIN Sebut Gagasan Khilafah Hidup di Pendukung #2019GantiPresiden.

I agree with this argument.

But, why does the police, Kabareskrim Arief Sulistyanto, seem unwilling to give assertiveness, so that the intelligence must provide explanation to public?

Kabareskrim Arief Sulistyanto (white) and #2019GantiPresiden activists Isa Anshari (orange). Source : Private Document
Kabareskrim Arief Sulistyanto (white) and #2019GantiPresiden activists Isa Anshari (orange). Source : Private Document
Picture above tells everything.

Isa Anshari, Neno Warisman and Mardani Ali Sera, trio #2019GantiPresiden activists sued to the police by Mr Joko Widodo supporters.

August 14, 2018, Kampanyekan #2019GantiPresiden, Neno Warisman dan Mardani Ali Sera Dilaporkan ke Bareskrim.

August 28, 2018, Kabareskrim Belum Sentuh Laporan Kasus Mardani Ali dan Neno Warisman.

Arief Sulistyanto told the media, not even touch the trio #2019GantiPresiden case yet. Why? I believe it is because of Isa Anshari factor.

Isa Anshari, #2019GantiPresiden activist. Source : Private Document
Isa Anshari, #2019GantiPresiden activist. Source : Private Document
Kabareskrim Arief Sulistyanto has a very close relationships with #2019GantiPresiden activists Isa Anshari, since he served as West Borneo Chief Police Officer (Kapolda Kalimantan Barat).

Forum Perjuangan Rakyat Ketapang (FPRK), an NGO's operates by Isa Anshari, even gave awards to Kapolda Arief Sulistyanto as a Peasant Hero.

May 21, 2015, Kapolda Kalbar Pahlawan Petani.

Kapoda Kalbar Arief Sulistyanto receive award from #2019GantiPresiden activist Isa Anshari. Source :
Kapoda Kalbar Arief Sulistyanto receive award from #2019GantiPresiden activist Isa Anshari. Source :
Coincidentally, a car owned by Isa Anshari was also burned, long before Neno Warisman 'Car Burned' and Mardani Ali Sera 'Car Molotov'.

April 5, 2017, Sikapi Aksi Pembakaran Mobil Ketua FPRK, Ini Pernyataan Pemuda Melayu dan Dayak Ketapang.

Now we know, a very close friendship between Arief Sulistyanto and Isa Anshari has a long story. As old as indonesian racialism and sectarianism grow in West Borneo.

So, what's your conclusion?

Who operates this #2019GantiPresiden movement in Riau and Surabaya?

I believe it is Australian govt who operates those 2 movements, helped by the police Arief Sulistyanto and trio #2019GantiPresiden activists Isa Anshari, Neno Warisman and Mardani Ali Sera.

I believe #2019GantiPresiden movement are nothing else but An Australian Trap to Mr Joko Widodo.

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