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Halaman Lomba Kehumasan Ditjen Perbendaharaan 2015. dibangun untuk meningkatkan pengenalan masyarakat Indonesia terhadap tugas dan fungsi Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan Kementerian Keuangan





7 September 2015   17:35 Diperbarui: 7 September 2015   18:01 262
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(The Script: Superheroes)


When the superhero just gone without any greetings...

Did you notice when you saw the superhero movies like Superman, Batman, and Spiderman? I guess you did. Go away after helping the victims and ‘packing up’ the bandits and leave them in place where the policeman can easily find them, later on. Have you ever realised that those movies simply depict how DG Treasury works? We settle up the stakeholders’ needs without expectation of getting any appreciations. Yes, what we have to do is... work, serve, and contribute.

Talking about DG Treasury will never be far away from the implementation of the Government Budget (APBN). Unfortunately, people may only know us from the image of KPPN, of course, if they know it. In fact, KPPN has transformed into a great office that provide a large range of excellent services. Indeed, some KPPN have been rewarded as the bests in many categories, including anti-corruption award and ISO 9001:2008 award. However, there’s still a big question about us, the DG Treasury: Are we just a “cashier” officer? Of course, there will be only two possible answers: Yes or No, nothing’s between. This is a really serious question. If the answer is YES, so the Government doesn’t need to pay more attention, I guess. However, if the answer is NO, there will be some other following questions: Who are you? What have you done for your country?

Those questions could be difficult questions to answer if we’re always looking at our ‘neighbors’ before answering. Yeah, we’re not as lucky as them in terms of public popularity or the ‘image’. Luckily, those questions are, actually, easy questions to be answered if we look at ourselves. We could proudly send messages to people that we were there, and will always be there... guarding the country’s state finance from the planning up until the reporting, that we call it ‘The Budget Cycle’.

Unlike the other institutions, our roles may not be ‘catchy’ enough at the point of view of the people. However, we do believe that our roles are really the core of the processes. We’re not just guarding the government’s revenues, or, just paying the expenditures. We are not just a cashier! We’re far beyond, we are ‘embedded’ and ‘blended’ into the cycle! That’s the DG Treasury.

Let’s see how important we are... We involved in planning through the RKA-KL process and the DIPA revision, approving the disbursement, monitoring the expenditures, and preparing the Government Financial Report. That’s all? Of course not! We designed and prepared the system, initiated the most complete system (SPAN and SAKTI), the module for revenue (MPN G2), Accrual Basis Financial Reporting, and much more. We’ve committed to implement a continuous improvement, to deliver the best public services to the people. These show how we contribute to our country and the people. It doesn’t matter if the people aren’t quite aware about our existence, nevertheless, we do believe that “contributions are talking louder than just an image”. A Superhero will never tell you who he is, but he will always give his bests for the people. Someday, people would recognise who’s the true Superhero, once they realise our roles and contributions to the country.


This article is personal opinion, not representing the organisation’s viewpoints.

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