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Halaman Lomba Kehumasan Ditjen Perbendaharaan 2015. dibangun untuk meningkatkan pengenalan masyarakat Indonesia terhadap tugas dan fungsi Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan Kementerian Keuangan




Flying High To The Next Level

4 Juli 2015   09:07 Diperbarui: 4 Juli 2015   09:35 548
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Abd Gafur - Sekretariat Direktorat Jenderal

June 29th 2015, Head Office of Directorate General of Treasury (DG of Treasury), Ministry of Finance, in Prijadi Praptosuhardjo II Building (also known as Gedung ex-MA) was filled with an enthusiasm and excited-young faces. They are Civil Servant Candidates who recently graduated Diploma-III program from State College of Accountancy (Indonesian: Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara; abbreviated as STAN) and became a Civil Servant Candidates in the 2014 civil servant enrollment. They were there to attend the opening ceremony of the 2015 Assessment Center for Civil Servant Candidates: Second Stage. Me and my colleagues in Human Resources Administration Department was on duty there as an organizing committee that organized the event.

10.30 AM, the opening ceremony was started. Head of Human Resources Administration Department, Teguh Dwi Nugroho accompanied by Head of Employee’s Competence and Performance Analysis Sub-Department, Muhammad Arif, officially opens the event. In his speech, Teguh Dwi Nugroho has conveyed an information about human resources management, which is obviously very crucial for all Civil Servant Candidates who attend that opening ceremony. He was also shared an inspiring stories about devotion which has been inscribed by people in DG of Treasury. The stories, greeted with admiration and applause from all candidates.

According to the Secretary General of Ministry of Finance’s Regulation Number 55/SJ/2008 concerning Assessment Center in Ministry of Finance, every employee must be assessed to obtain the data of employee’s profile. There are 35 soft competencies on which to base the assessment. Every position or level has its own competency standard. So that the assessment result will greatly affect employee’s career in the future.

DG of Treasury take the system to the next level: the assessment result can be accessed by all employees from all over Indonesia. They can access their own assessment result from the official website named pbnOpen. This system, expected to develop transparancy in the organization and give the organization: a better view about how to improve the employee’s capacity; a complete consideration to pair the right job to the right person, the right person to the right position; and improve the professionalism of the organization itself.

As mention above about pbnOpen website, all employees can see their own data. They can see their strengths and weaknesses so that they can improve their capacity. Based from that assessment result, DG of Treasury also develop a program called Coaching & Counseling (to manage employee’s strenghts and weaknesses) and Mentoring (to prepare the next leader of the organization). That programs (and many other programs) described in Director General of Treasury’s Decree Number KEP-21/PB/2013 concerning The Grand Design of Directorate General of Treasury’s Human Resources Management 2013-2017.

Apart from that, the last thing that I would like to mention here: DG of Treasury now has a Hard Competency Dictionary (not officially published yet). This book include all competencies needed to cover all job families within the organization, and has been introduced to all Human Resources Manager in Human Resources Coordination Meetings that held last month in four cities (Surabaya, Manado, Medan, Bogor). This is the first Hard Competency Dictionary in Ministry of Finance.

As Adam Smith said: “The improved dexterity of a workman may be considered in the same light as a machine or instrument of trade which facilitates and abridges labour, and which, though it costs a certain expence, repays that expence with a profit.” DG of Treasury is very aware about how to manage human resources and harmonized it with the implementation of “IT-minded” system.

The sun is rising and still shining. DG of Treasury done so many things to chase its goal as a world class state treasury manager. Just like what Gillespie Magee said in his sonnet:

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth

and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings

Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth of sun-split clouds

and done a hundred things


The writer is civil servant in Directorate General of Treasury. The views expressed are his own and does not represent the organization’s.

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