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Ruang Kelas


3 November 2021   18:54 Diperbarui: 3 November 2021   19:18 178
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

C. Result and Discussing

     1. Character and characterization

          a. Nasreddin as a wise man

Nasreddin is the main character in the story, Nasreddin is a very wise person and also as an advisor, all who are considered by his friends to be unreasonable will be explained and proven by Nasreddin

Data 1:

When they talk about differences.

Friend 1: old people are wiser than young people

Friend 2: I agree, but old people are not stronger than young people.

Nasreddin: everything you guys talk about is not true, older and younger people are the same.

Friend 1 dan 2: what do you mean, it's obvious that older and younger people are very different in ability

Nasreddin: in the back corner of my house there is a big rock, at that time I was young and I tried to lift the stone but I failed because I was young and not strong enough, for that I thought I should wait for the next few years, and now I have old people, a few days ago I tried to move it but still I can't do it, so the conclusion is that old people are as strong as young people. (His friends can only be silent and reluctantly accept it).

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