The first night of the Feast of Unleavened Bread
- The last Supper
- Jesus was arrested
- Peter’s denial
- Jesus was on trial in front of Sanhedrin (Court Religion)
14 Nisan Morning (Pessach= Jewish Pasch
- Jesus was on trial in front of Sanhedrin ( Court Religion)
- Judas was regret and hung himself
- Jesus was on trial by Herodes and Pilatus
14 Nisan Afternoon
- Jesus was crucified
14 Nisan Evening
- Jesus died on the Cross at 3 evening, before 6 p.m. Coincide with the slaughter of Pasch sacrificial lamb (Exodus 12: 1-28)
- The veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom
- Some of the Jews Elders came to Pilatus for bringing down immediately all the crussified people because it was almost the Sabath day towards the Passover/Jews Pasch. So they fractured the leg bones of the people who crussified next to Jesus.
- Jesus was brought down from the Cross and burried by Joseph Arimatea and Nikodemus
- Jesus tomb was guarded by Roman army
15 Nisan Morning The Great Sabath Pesach
- The priests asked to Pilatus to guard Jesus tomb from being stolen by the disciples
- Pesach Festival to clean up all the burning sacrificial lamb John 19:31 ... for that Sabbath was an especially important one/for that sabbath day was an high day
16 Nisan Morning
- Maria the mother of Jesus, Maria Magdalena bought the spices to anoint Jesus. “And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.” Mark 16:1
17 Nisan Morning
- Jews Weekly Sabath
18 Nisan Night
- The Earth quake
- The Angel opened the rock of Jesus tomb, Jesus was risen
- The Guard of the tomb, Roman army run away
18 Nisan Morning, the first day of the week after Sabath