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Paulina Sihaloho
Paulina Sihaloho Mohon Tunggu... Pelajar

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Running Away From a Troop of Monkeys (Based on True Story)

6 November 2024   07:31 Diperbarui: 6 November 2024   13:31 67
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"!" I said to my sister. We both run back toward the village as fast as we could. Oh dear...!

That was scary! ***

Let me tell you, my sister and I were walking to our farm in Sidompak. This area is next to Simarjarunjung Mountain.

Our parents, mom and dad, and also our little brother, were all in that farm.

My sister and I went to school in the morning. Then, we got home, changing our school uniform, ate our lunch. Soon, we both needed to walk to our farm in Sidompak.

We also had a farm in another area called Simarbangsi, which was at the opposite direction of Sidompak. Simarbangsi was in the west, Sidompak was in the east. That's why, in order for us to go to Sidompak, we got to stop at home since we must passed the village in order to get to this farming area.

On that particular day, after leaving our home, my sister and I walked. After a while, we reached an area called Huta Lama, literally means, Old Village. True, it was usually a neighborhood in the old time, but then, in more than three decades later on, this village has been empty. All the villagers moved away to different places.

This Huta Lama rather turned into a forest-like with several big trees growing sporadicly. Some of the villagers from different neighborhoods still had their farms in this area since they inherited the land from their family, from the previous generations who once lived there.

Well, now and then, it was a common scene for me seeing monkeys bringing all kind of crops up to the trees where they stayed.

It was not that my sister and I, went through Huta Lama on a daily basis, after school. No. Often, we went directly to Simarbangsi right away after finishing our classes.

Since there were big trees around Huta Lama along sides the road, there were troops of monkeys lived there. This road, in the old time, used to connect Huta Lama and other villages closer to the mountain. Then, the road was mainly used to get to the farming areas since people no longer lived in those villages.

I didn't expect it at all, that my sister and I, had to run away back toward the village to escape from those monkeys! No. I thought, we would be just fine, we could walk through. We had walked that way several times, often with our dogs and sometimes with mom.

Usually, those monkeys staying at a huge Banyan tree, at the west side, about 20 meters from the road. We used to feel just alright seeing them at the tree.

However, that day, many of the monkeys were hanging out at a Motung tree just by the road we walked through. You could even touch the tree when walking through.

Once my sister and I were closed the Motung Tree, a troop of monkeys on that tree were staring at us. They did stare at us. I had no idea what was exactly in their mind. Did they have any planning to do? Did they think that they could catch me and my sister and took us up to the big and high tree?

At first, I said to my sister, "Let's just walk through. We should be fine!"

Well, the closer we were to the tree, the more intense the monkeys staring at us. There were many of them with different sizes. Some of them were as big as myself, some were as big as my sister. Remember, we were still at our elementary years, my sister and I. We were little kids.

We could also notices the present of little monkeys amongst that troop. They were staring at us, but what scared us the most was, the stare of the big ones amongst them.

They didn't move yet, but the way they stared at us was more than enough to make me taking a quick action, to run away back to where we came from, so not to walk pass the monkeys.

I was in fear, what if the monkeys were running behind us? After a while of running, we both stopped. We looked behind, no monkeys. Good. We sat. We were out of breath, we needed to catch up breathing again.

What a miracle! After a few minutes, I heard the sound my dad's motorcycle from far away. Soon, he was going to find us both. I did know exactly the sound of my dad's motorcyle. Oh yes! That's for sure! 100%.

We were both pleased. Dad was coming. We didn't have an agreement that Dad was to pick us up that day. No. He must be in need of something to collect from home at that time.

"Why are you both staying here?" asked Dad.

"Dad, those monkeys at that Motung tree did scare us! They did! They kept on staring at us. We tried to walk through but they rather staring at us even more", I explained.

My sister also added, "We just run and run and run away, Dad! What if they catched us and took us up to that tree?"

We jumped on to the motorcycle, me and my sister. We went home with Dad. Then, with dad, we went to our farm, riding, not walking. We were safe with dad. Thankfully!***

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