d. Jurnal Bernomor Format penulisan dalam daftar pustaka Author (if given). “Article Title.” Journal Volume.Issue (Year): Page #(s). Database. Medium. Date of access.
e. Jurnal Tidak Bernomor Format penulisan dalam daftar pustaka Author (if given). “Article Title.” Journal Volume (Year): Page #(s). Database. Medium. Date of access.
f. Kamus Bahasa Daring Format penulisan dalam daftar pustaka “Word.” Def. # (if using only one definition). Title. Edition (if given). Date. Database. Medium. Date of access.
2. Buku atau Rujukan Periodik (Bebas)
a. Majalah Format penulisan dalam daftar pustaka Author (if given). “Article Title.” Magazine Title Website publisher (If no publisher, use n.p.). Date: Page #(s). (If no pagination given, use. n. pag.) Medium. Date of access.
b. Jurnal Bernomor Format penulisan dalam daftar pustaka Author (if given). “Article Title.” Journal Title. Website publisher (If no publisher, use n.p.). Volume.Issue (If available) (Year): Page #(s) Medium. Date of access.
c. Jurnal Tanpa Halaman Format penulisan dalam daftar pustaka Author (if given). “Article Title.” Journal Title. Website publisher (If no publisher, use n.p.). Volume.Issue (if available) (Year): Page #(s) (If no pagination given, use. n. pag.) Medium. Date of access
d. Jurnal Tidak Bernomor Format penulisan dalam daftar pustaka Author (if given). “Article Title.” Journal Title. Website publisher (If no publisher, use n.p.). Volume (Year): Page #(s) (If no pagination given, use. n. pag.) Medium. Date of access.
e. Suratkabar Format Penulisan dalam daftar pustaka Author (if given). “Article Title.” Newspaper Title. Website publisher (If no publisher, use n.p.). Day Month Year, ed. (if needed): Page #(s). (If no pagination given, use. n. pag.) Medium. Date of access.
3. Halaman web Pemerintah
Format penulisan dalam daftar pustaka Govt Agency. Sub-Agency[ies] (if any). Title. Author (if given). Publication Date. (If no date, use n.d.) Medium. Date of Access.