Ecocriticism in the Biocentrism Paradigm in the poem "Di danak Na Mompas Godang" Karya Willem Iskander
This paper aims to explain the relationship between the study of literary ecology (ecocriticism) and literary works, one of which is poetry. This paper tries to analyze Literary Ecocriticism in the Biocentrism paradigm in the poem "Di danak Na Mompas Godang" karya Willem Iskander which appears as a new phenomenon in literary studies in Indonesia.
Literary ecology focuses attention on the fabric of the phenomena of the universe as an inspiration for writers (authors or poets) in producing a literary work. Literary ecology is oriented towards preserving environmental values. In reality, ecocriticism also criticizes human life which only enjoys and spends the environment itself without caring for and maintaining it. In the poem "Di danak Na Mompas Godang" karya  Willem Iskander, the researcher wants to examine the extent to which the poet expresses the relationship between the poetry written and literary eco-criticism in the biocentrism paradigm.
The poem "Di danak Na Mompas Godang" karya Willem Iskander uses several theoretical approaches, one of which is Greg Garrard's theory which explains ecocriticism including the study of the relationship between humans and non-humans, human history and culture related to critical analysis of humans and their environment.
Greg Garrrard traces the development of the movement and explores related concepts of ecocriticism: a. Pollution b. Housing/dwelling (dwelling) c. Disaster (apocalypse) d. Wilderness (wilderness) e. Animals (animals) f. Earth (earth) In this study, researchers also want to see the extent to which the value of ecological wisdom in poetry by using literary ecocriticism with the paradigm of biocentrism
Kata kunci : Literary Ecocriticism, Poetry, Biocentrism Paradigm, Ecology, Sociology of Literature
Karya sastra adalah salah satu  bentuk seni yang masih terus bisa dinikmati di era yang terus  berkembang ini. Meskipun diterpa oleh teknologi, karya sastra mampu beradaptasi sehingga dapat dinikmati oleh siapapun. Karya sastra merupakan pengalaman yang telah diperolehnya dari realitas kehidupan di masyarakat yang terjadi pada peran tokoh di dunia nyata dan dituangkan ke dalam  narasi.Â
Karya sastra  itu juga merupakan karya imajinatif bermediumkan bahasa yang fungsi estetis sebagai media ekspresi. Karya sastra, dimanfaatkan oleh sebagian orang guna untuk mengekspresikan diri terhadap realita gejala-gejala sosial di lingkungan masyarakat.
Karya sastra dikenal dalam dua bentuk, yaitu fiksi dan nonfiksi. Jenis karya sastra fiksi adalah prosa, puisi, dan drama. Sedangkan contoh karya sastra nonfiksi adalah biografi, autobiografi, esai, dan kritik sastra. Â Puisi adalah salah satu bentuk sastra yang menjadi media bagi penyair untuk mengungkapkan imajinasi atau gagasan.Â