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Robots to Replace Low-Skilled Jobs

14 Juni 2015   23:45 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   06:03 77
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We’ve talked about autonomous vehicles using software and sensors to guide their way down the street. It could eliminate the hassle of driving altogether but could also bring down jobs that require driving such as taxis, the public bus, trams, subways and regional trains. Caused by the substantial increase of technology robots and software will continue to replace low skilled jobs.

Cashiers were dominant in every supermarket a decade before but today the self checkout lane is slowly making its way in. It provides alternative when the other lanes are packed requiring a credit card and the patience of scanning each item. Fast food restaurants have also acquired their own automated waiter. I remember ordering a philly cheese steak, deciding the toppings and extra cheese with the press of a couple buttons. The order was sent to the chef in the kitchen and not long after it was served hot.

The increase of technology as a motivation to force companies into getting computer kiosks isn’t a strong enough reason by itself. The installation of computers in the widespread can be expensive and most dislike change without incentive. However, with the increase in the cost of living affecting the price of minimum wage restaurants may look to do so. On an article I read, a comment caught my eye explaining everything:

“If you run a business, you're always looking to operate it more efficiently, because if you don't, your competitor will.” Minnesota_on_my_Mind

It is not only fast food restaurants and supermarkets who are adapting. According to an article on pharmacists will be replaced by robots that will analyze the given data then search and distribute the medication. Robot astronauts that will handle certain tasks allowing less expense considering the costs of weight, food and resources. Robot soldiers to decrease the lives lost on the battlefield. Even sportswriters are predicted to be replaced (and is already happening) by software that utilizes data and statistics to develop a short sport article.

No one can hide from change though it is worth examining whether it is good or bad change. Personally I believe it is good change. Back in the primitive age half of the population worked the farm leaving less time for recreation. Today in modern countries like the US, farmers account to 2% of the population. Coal miners having to tolerate bad working conditions are now replaced by wind turbines and solar panels. It’s not that these jobs have been replaced but rather we have shifted into a new era. Simple tasks could be carried out by technology leaving more time for humans for recreation and advancing society.

Also, there are jobs that robots just can’t replace. Artists, actors, CEOs architects and designers, and what would a football game be without human players. Human interaction is also key to various professions. So at high class restaurants there will still be waiters to keep the restaurants authenticity.

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