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If I Was The President ff Indonesia, I Would Do

6 April 2020   20:09 Diperbarui: 6 April 2020   20:17 14
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Corona Virus pandemic global was started from Wuhan , China. This pandemic started around November 2019. It started with around 8 patients. The rumor of the spread is because a laboratorium leaked out and many others. This Virus spread to many countries now. The countries are America , Singapore , Indonesia and many other countries.  This Virus may spread really fast and affect many people. 

However in China the conditions are now stable. They could do their activities normally. Some of the theme parks were open already and some malls and theatres are open already. There are no additional patients that are affected by this corona virus. The number of people that are affected were also becoming lesser each day. 

China made a really fast move with this case. After the people that are affected with this virus become manier , China decides to lockdown their countries to prevent the increase of people affected with this virus. China also built a hospital within 10 days to heal the people that are affected by this virus with a very modern technology machine and almost not use any human sources to build this hospital. However the virus that affected China and iother countries was already a different type. China also helps and keeps on research on this virus  to cure this faster.

This virus affected Indonesian people around  23rd March 2020 and reported that 2 people were affected with this virus. It makes Indonesian people start to panic because before that everyone thought that Indonesia would not get this virus but ended up Indonesia was affected. The number of people that are affected with this virus jumped up until now 2491 people were affected. It makes the president and the government do such things to prevent it getting higher each day like closing public theme parks , malls , schools , and others. If we were going out we have to use a mask to prevent any virus getting inside our body. We were also doing our self quarantine to prevent any virus going inside our body. We were also supposed to do some physical distancing and social distancing to prevent being affected by that virus. We were also supposed to do some sunbathing and drinking any vitamin C to prevent being affected by that virus. We are also supposed to wash our hands many times to prevent bacteria and virus getting inside our body  

However the president still could not lockdown the country because of the impossible conditions and the instability of our country and maybe it will turn to chaos. If I were the president I would make the country stable before this happens so that if this kind of thing happens the country would be ready to have a lockdown by doing this, people from outside the country cannot go inside Indonesia so the number of people that are affected by this virus will not increase  . I would also be ready to have a mass test to people that are affected by this virus because by doing that we will know people that get this virus and not. There are people that carry this virus and don't know that they get this virus so by having this mass test people that are affected and not affected will get caught so the number of the people that get this virus will not be increased. 

I will also prevent anyone from going outside their house to prevent the increased number of people that get this disease because the virus could spread really fast in crowded areas by instructing people to work from home and study from home. I will also build many hospitals to prepare for the mass test so that the number of people that are affected by this virus will not increase.    

Stay Safe:)

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