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Transgender: The Nowadays Phenomena

30 Desember 2015   09:26 Diperbarui: 3 Februari 2016   16:41 74
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Transgenders have been a debatable issue for decades. Noted within the history, we can easily find the previous phenomena by typing some keywords thru search engine. This article aims to elaborate the writter’s perspective upon the transgender phenomena.

The transgender issues revealed in some countries over continents. The modern form of political system provides a special space for the debatable issue. The special space delivers a new hope for those who feel the phenomena of being “different” from others.

Political Label
To soften the debatable aspects, those who involve try to use the political label. LGBT which stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender is a label to point these “different” people.

The new label influences the previous perspectives on how differentiate human being. The conservative thoughts state human being defined as man and woman. Transgender has revealed to define the “different ones”. Hereafter, the political label is used to lighten the different degree.

The political label has been related to the public acceptance beyond regime,culture and race. Public acceptance influences their daily existence. In a real life, being accommodated by public policy reflects the societies’ acceptance and formal legitimation.

The Nowadays Phenomena
As a developed country, US is a role model which will be followed by global society. Every step which has been taken by US government will influence other countries.

The US government had debated the LGBT existence over decades. Moreover, the government had made a call. The decision has influenced the LGBT movement.

Moreover, Bruce’s transformation is the phenomenon which reflects the public support on LGBTs. “I am Caitlyn” has been a new Bruce’s debute since months ago. She came up as gorgeous lady (I thought that she was more beautiful than Kris in Vanity Fair Documentary).

Caitlyn phenomenon has encouraged those who feel the same struggle. Caitlyn has been publicly showing every step that has been taken. Caitlyn’s bravery has generated the spirit of LGBT’s existence among society.

As one of the debatable issue, transgender existence reflects the LGBT. Some steps have been taken to get the public acceptance. Political label is the example in case of reducing the degree of  the sensitive aspects.

Nuzula Ichwanun Nabila
16th August 2015

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