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Nurul Wildani
Nurul Wildani Mohon Tunggu... Content Writer

I am a Content Writer with unlimited creativity, have good writing skills and able to compose interesting articles, posters and announcements using SEO skills. Making literary work is one of my hobbies now.



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Free Verse Poem Entitled "Pure Love is A Self Love"

29 Oktober 2022   18:14 Diperbarui: 29 Oktober 2022   18:25 385
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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

The hardest thing about self-love journey

Is reminding yourself that it's okay to be alone

It's okay to not get the conclusion that you need

The closure that you want

Sometimes people just leave

Sometimes you just need to heal

cause life goes on

You've lived through it

You've learned from it

Whatever it is that you're currently going through

Right now, Allah will get you through that too

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