The opening of market opportunities in the digital economy in Indonesia must be utilized as much as possible, there must be new innovation innovations in the digital world, including in the economic field, such as making various applications and digital devices that cloud digital trade in Indonesia and must be the work of the nation's children, so that the absorption of profits from the digital economy sector can be absorbed 100% into Indonesia, without having to go through foreign parties.
If all opportunities are utilized properly in all sectors of the economy, then Indonesia has a great opportunity to be able to master trade and the economy in the world, if Indonesia can control the world economy will have an impact on various other sectors, this is the duty and responsibility of all business actors and economic actors to be able to develop and start making changes from a conventional economy to a digital economy.
The progress of the digital economy is also inseparable from obstacles and challenges, various challenges in the digital era are problems that must be immediately addressed and found solutions, so that the digital economy in Indonesia can develop properly. Digitalization has a positive impact and also a negative impact on the Indonesian economy, the digital world can be a place for a new civilization of the Indonesian economy but the digital world can also be a place of economic destruction in Indonesia, the negative impact of the digital world must be avoided, by making changes ranging from regulations, human resources, people's habits.
Various problems and challenges in the digital era must be immediately solved the most highlighted problem in the digital world today is the security of the digital world, recently the people in Indonesia were in an uproar with hacking cases on various sites and leakage of public data, the security of the digital world became a challenge as well as an obstacle.
Based on data I got from the official website of the Indonesian ministry of investment once got 1.225 billion digital attacks  Every day, when online transactions are very developed in Indonesia, this will be used for some irresponsible people to make a profit through things that are not allowed by law, weak digital security for investors who want to infest in Indonesia, investors become hesitant and afraid to infest in Indonesia because of weak security in the digital world.
In addition to digital security which is a challenge for the development of the digital economy, human resources are also still one of the challenges as well as obstacles to the development of the economy in the digital world, based on data from, Google said that Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, lacks professional human resources and is able to boost the economy in the digital world.
This is a common challenge because the problem of human resources cannot be solved in time  In short, it must be started with a change in the education symtem from only conventional education to digital education, the change in the system will have a good impact on the next generation, the next generation who will hold stakeholders in various fields of the economy will be aware and understand the digital world, so that this will affect the progress of the digital economy.
Not only the security of the digital world and its human resources must be improved, policies that are still very old-fashioned and do not keep up with the times also have an impact on the Indonesian economy, the poor bureaucracy in Indonesia is a very hindrance for business actors and the economy, the slow bureaucratic process causes hampering the pace of the economy, which has an impact on other sectors of the economy, Â So the bureaucratic process must be improved, and cut into the flow, so that it is attributable and the wheels of the digital economy can run quickly and efficiently.
When technological advances have a positive impact on the economy, policymakers should be aware of the importance of updating policies that are no longer relevant to life in the digital world, if all stakeholders help each other and support each other, Indonesia's economic goals will be achieved, Indonesia will become a new force in the world entering the digital era. Â Current economic actors are required to have the ability and sensitivity to digital technology to be able to compete in the current era.
Economic development in the digital world is very rapid and influenced by various supporting factors and inhibiting factors, there are many opportunities that can be utilized by young millennials who understand technology to be able to improve their economy through the digital world, but inhibiting factors always come and must be avoided, forming and educating millennials who understand technology will have a very positive impact on the Indonesian economy.