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You're (Not) Different

16 Desember 2022   22:57 Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2022   23:17 189
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Born in the biggest---but cruel----city in Indonesia. The most prestigious city with many dreams and hopes from people who come to that city. But you only born there. You were born several days before the country in the neighbour in your parents' hometown get freedom. After born, your parents bring you to their hometown---the furthest place from that city as people said. The place that you will spend almost half of your life is the place in the east of the country with different cultures and ethnic groups. 

Even so, the most different things are race and physical appearance even though it is in the same country. That is because the country is so big with heterogeneous people---thanks to your predecessor that is success to unite different areas with different people in them.

You spend your childhood well. You play with your friends without thinking anything about what will happen in your life. You---and your friends---don't have any image about what is different, because you think you're just a child. At that time, when you mirror yourself, you would imagine that you will be a hero that can save many people or be a superstar that you watched on TV. Also, you used to think people would always be by your side and love you. That sounded utopian, but that was the fact at your age.

Year after year, you started to grow. Your age was getting increased. You had entered a place where you would discover the difference. You met a teacher, new friends, and even the officers. You knew they were different, but not a big difference, just like several minor differences---even though you had known that unconsciously from the superstar on TV. From that, you learned that you're not alone. But you didn't see that as a problem. You still accepted them and were accepted by them. You were still good friends and played with your friends. That happened until you reach adolescence.

When you entered middle school, just as you were starting to experience your teenage years, your parents brought you back to the city in you were born.

"What? Moving to the town?" You shocked when your papa had said about that.

"Yes, we will move to Jakarta because Papa has got a job in that city." Your papa told you without a doubtful face. Your papa was the type of person for sure; one day when you were hurt because of being pecked by the chicken, your papa without thinking twice, immediately cut the chicken and processed it into soup. Maybe that was the time the chicken should be cooked; but you didn't know that was sure or not, that's just your observation at that time.

"But why does this sound impromptu?" You tried to interrupt your papa's decision. "This is a decision, no matter if this sounds spontaneous or not, we will move to that city." Yeah. His determined face stated your interruption was not matter.

"Sure, Norman, we have to move in. This is the best decision. Also, that's best for your education too, because just to be realistic, education in here not too well." Your mom added to your papa's words. Your mind thought that was better. 'Yeah. I knew if metropolitan city has good education than here. It should be' monologue yourself.

"Okay, we will move. But, let me say goodbye to my childhood first, mama." You replied softly. Your childhood---childhood friends, childhood place, and so on---would be gone; except for childhood friends you could still have communicate them but with different media, right?

"Well, don't worry about your school, we have enrolled you in a good school." Your mom reassured you. Sudden but already planned? So weird.

After that, you met your childhood friends. You talked a lot about how your parents decide to move to the city. Then, of course, as you predicted, they shocked and felt sad because you would separate---physically---with them. But you and your childhood friend promised that you will communicate through online media. Yeah, promise was a promise, maybe like a bubble gum, sweet just in mouth then threw after become bitter. Or maybe like a chocolate; sweet and give impression after being eaten. Who knows; but you believed that they would keep friendships.

A few days after that, you were on the way to Jakarta. Through the wide sea like a sailor, under the sprinkling of night light in the sky, you leaned on the barrier and muttered. "Is the city good? Can I get some new friends? Will I be accepted?"  You'd been here for two days; then tomorrow, you would reach that city. Oh, don't forget if you got frustrated because there was no signal in the sea. You just kept waiting until arrive at the destination. So far, throughout this trip, you just saw people that were same as you---unless there were several different people.

The next day, on schedule, you arrived at morning. The sea-scented morning breeze seduced the nostrils. "Hey, Norman, there are lots of luggage still in there. Back inside. Help papa. And brought that. Mama will keep an eye on our luggage from here." Your mom instructed you to help your papa because there was many luggage that your family brought---except your childhood because you carried that in your memory. After moving a lot of luggage out, a pick-up car came and of course the car brought your family luggage.

You and your parents left in another car. You sat beside your mom in the back seat, and your papa sat in the driver's seat talking about city life---where your papa had lived in this city before you were born. When your mom is also talking to your papa and the driver, you opened your phone and texted to your childhood friends that you had arrived.

'Really? Give me a picture of Jakarta. I think that will be beautiful and modern, right?' That's the words from one of your childhood friends. You remembered when you hadn't looked out the window. When I looked out the window, there was the splendor of this city. Yeah, this was how the metropolitan city that is the capital. A series of skyscraper buildings decorated the magnificient of the city. This magnificence was not spared from the noise of running machines.

"Norman, you haven't forgotten that you were born here, have you?" Your mom interrupted your daydream.

"Of course, Mama always told me about that." You gave a soft smile while answering your mom. Then, you looked back at the window. The views of this city were absolutely stunning, but you felt anxious about what your school will be like. You thought about whether you would be accepted and how different you were from the people here; considering you'd seen people here very different from yourself---physical appearance. You were deep in thought the whole way while looking out the window.

After several hours of traveling to your new home, your family finally arrived at a medium-sized rented house. The house is not as big as yours in the village, but enough for three people, including yourself. The building was light green with a blue fence. As soon as you entered, there were several rooms inside; two of them were your parents' room and yours. "Yeah at least I still had a private room." You nodded and uttered. You truthfully appreciated something called privacy, including privacy for yourself.  Then, you and your family started putting things in the house and tidying it up.

After the event put and tidied things into the house, you rushed to your room and lay down on the tiny bed. You then checked your phone and called your childhood friend. "How's Jakarta?" Said your friend from the cell phone. "Not bad. Many magnificent buildings are accompanied by noise. Nothing like the silence there." You answered your friend's question. Your eyes stared up at the ceiling while gently massaging your temples---feeling a little dizzy from the trip. You kept talking with your childhood friend without forgetting to tell him how the people here looked different from you. 

When you were busy calling your friend, your mom called your name loudly; that's normal for you because that's typical of the people in your area. You immediately ended the call with your friend and came to your mom. "Why, mama?" You asked your mom. "Tomorrow you will go straight to school because the school will soon be holding exams."  Your mom answered your question with a hint of enthusiasm on her face. "Really, mama? This is so fast! I don't even know about Jakarta." Your eyes widened, and you were shocked. "You don't need to worry about that. Papa will take you to school tomorrow and show you the way." Your mom answered, plus a thumbs up from your papa who was calling relatives.

After that, at night, you started tidying up the school supplies that you would bring tomorrow. After that, you touched the place where you lay down; devoted all your thoughts to what will happen tomorrow. You surrendered everything to time; hoped time can provide the best answer. Then, your eyes closed---let time worked as planned.

And that day came, the waking of the sun was accompanied by a stretch that had not yet turned blue stretching across the sky. You rushed to school accompanied by your papa, who drove you in a two-wheeled vehicle, which could exist in no time. 

Investigating, your papa borrowed that belonging to a relative who lived not far from home. Along the way, a cool breeze caressed your body; and you prepared yourself to meet new people. "Okay, everything's going to be okay. You'll be accepted and make some friends!" You're trying to convince yourself. "Then you can go home by public transportation. Only once by bus." Your papa broke your focus when you were encouraging yourself. "Okay, papa". You replied while nodding.

After about twenty minutes of travel, you arrived at your new school. And you got off the motorbike; didn't forget to kiss your papa's hand peppered with clichd messages from your papa about the new school. Then, you entered that building; a building with three main buildings in it, which were dominated by green on the walls, and a dark brown roof. Your feet step into it; looked up where your class was. As you walked, people stared at you with strange looks. Not a few of them laughed at you with a slow laugh. 

You felt weird. "What is wrong with me? Am I wearing something wrong? Today everyone is dressed in white and blue, and so am I. What happens?" You muttered as you glanced at your body. Without thinking, you hurried back to find your class. After a while, you found your class. It's at the end of the second building, right next to a small sports field. Silence for a moment, you stepped inside, which looked crowded. You stepped inside and again; they gave you strange looks. You tried to ignore that and stepped towards the empty seat in front. You looked down and reconsidered what was wrong with you. That was until someone come over to you.

"Hey Bro, where are you coming from?" He asked and acted as if he knew you.

"I come from Eastern Indonesia." You lifted your face and looked at him.

"Wow, so exotic." He gave an expression of being interested in you and gave a condescending look. Then he looked at his other classmates, and they gave a low chuckle. "Excuse me, did you notice any wrong with me?" You tried to ask to determine what was wrong with you. "Wrong? No, you're not wrong. They just 'jealous' of you." Then he answered you, followed by laughter afterward. After that, he left you and gathered with his friend; meanwhile, you looked slightly irritated at him.

Along with your annoyance, you heard footsteps wearing high heels, and the students in the class immediately sat down according to their seats. She's the homeroom teacher. As soon as she entered, all the students stood up and greeted him; you also followed it. "Alright, before our lesson today, we will be acquainted with a new student in our class. Okay, Norman, please stand before the guys and introduce yourself." The homeroom teacher started this class by introducing you. You nodded and walked towards the front of the students.

"OK, good morning, everyone. I am Norman, and I come from East Indonesia. Nice to meet you all and let's be friendly." You introduced yourself nervously. "Hey, who turned off the light? I can't see it." One of the students shouted, followed by the whole class's laughter. You could only bend down and squeeze your hand tightly. Apparently, your worries last night paid off badly; looked like you won't be accepted. 

"Edy, watch your words! Norman, don't take what he says to heart. You can sit down, Norman." The homeroom teacher dampened the atmosphere and defended you. Then, you walked towards the seat while looking down. After that, learning activities began. You kept looking down while contemplating. 'Yeah, I know. There's nothing wrong with me. They think I'm weird apparently.' You muttered to yourself.

When the lesson was over, all the students dispersed out of their respective classes to go home. After packing up your school pack, you went out of the classroom. The sun was rising, scorching everything it saw, and you were walking towards the bus stop. Along the way, you look at the other students while thinking.

"Well, I have a difference; my physical characteristics were different from most of them. I have dark skin and curly hair." You said to yourself softly. When you were in your hometown, you were the same, and when I saw the difference, it was not a problem, but why is it different here? That was what you also thought. When you got home, you immediately faced the mirror. You see how your face is totally different here. Then, you texted your childhood friend.

'You know, I'm different here. Even someone was being racist to me.'  You changed clothes while waiting for a message reply.

TING! You heard a message coming from your cell phone.

'You should just not care about it. They're just not used to the difference. Just be yourself. If someone is racist towards you, just ignore them and look with a petty glance.' You read the message. Then, you pondered what your friend said in the message. You thought back in your hometown. You were always confident and valued differences. Then, why did your confidence drop just because of that few actions?  That's what you thought.

The next day, you went to school alone by bus; of course, your papa only accompanied you on the first day to tell you the way to school. On the bus, you convinced yourself that you should just act normal and ignore them. 

Later, you arrived at school; you took a deep breath while muttering, "You're not different. They're just not used to seeing the difference." You stepped back into the building you footed on yesterday. You were getting back strange looks and light laughter from people when they saw you. But you just continued walking towards your class without minding them. You lifted your head and stared straight, a sign you had gained confidence. In class, you no longer bowed your head but sat up straight while preparing material.

"Hey, Bro! Good morning. Did you take a shower with water? First time feeling it?" Edy came over to you, and of course, he was being racist again to you. "Yeah, of course, thanks for your concern." You replied to him undoubtedly; looked into his eyes and gave him a casual smile. Then, he felt cornered and returned to his seat; his friends were just silent without replying. After that, the teacher came and taught the material until finished.

On your way home, you thought all thoughts about how you would be accepted or whether or not to make friends grow with your expectation. You expected that because you just live in one place. Even though you were born here, you had differences with people here and couldn't realize that until you came back here. Ultimately, you knew that you were not different because everyone was the same. And, of course, you were physically different, but still, you're not different because there's a fact that all humans are the same---in accordance with what is stated in the motto of your country.

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