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I Don't Know

24 Februari 2022   21:10 Diperbarui: 24 Februari 2022   21:26 38
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"Empty vessels make the most noise"

Have you ever found people who try to answer a question but they actually do not know? I guess that most of you guys will say "Yes." Well, it is actually happened in this life, in school, office or wherever. We can see a lot of human acts like knowing everything but they do not. 

If you do not understand one topic, then someone asks you. Just say "I am sorry, I don't know."

Basically, verbal expression is the mirror of the mind. Clear ideas become clear statements, and ambiguous ideas become empty ramblings. The trouble is that, in many cases, we lack very lucid thoughts. This world is complicated, and it takes a great deal of mental effort to understand even one facet of the whole. Thus, until you experience such an epiphany, it is better to heed Mark Twain: "If you have nothing to say, say nothing." See? Hence, we ought to think before speaking. Our reams of words are used to disguise intellectual laziness, stupidity, or underdeveloped ideas. Sometimes it works, oftentimes not. 

So, Don't pretend to be the most clever one in this world!

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