A: It seems that rock and metal music are fading away, bro. Am I wrong?
   Tampaknya, musik rock dan metal berangsur hilang, bro. Salah gak aku?
B: Yes, you're wrong. It's not dead. The problem is... there're many alternative music for youngsters nowadays.
   Ya, kamu salah. Gak mati kok. Masalahnya... ada banyak musik alternatif bagi anak muda sekarang ini.
A: Is it true that the "golden years" of rock and metal music were in the 80's and 90's?
   Benarkah bahwa "tahun keemasan" musik rock dan metal adalah di tahun 80 dan 90-an?
B: Could be. There were many rock-metal bands formed in those years.
   Bisa jadi. Ada banyak band rock-metal terbentuk di tahun-tahun itu.
A: Who was actually the pioneer of metal music in the late 60's... Black Sabbath or Judas Priest?
   Siapakah sebenarnya perintis musik metal di akhir tahun 60-an... Black Sabbath atau Judas Priest?
B: Both had contribution to metal music. I personally like Judas Priest better.