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Mandarin Fish: A Beautiful Shy Fish

26 September 2023   23:11 Diperbarui: 26 September 2023   23:43 299
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The mandarinfish, also known as a mandarin dragonet, is a small clearly colored member of the family of dragonets that is well-liked in the saltwater aquarium sector. The native range of the mandarinfish is in the Pacific, roughly from the Ryukyu Islands south to Australia. It frequently inhabits some of the warmer waters. This ornamental fish is fairly uncommon. This fish's scientific name is Synchiropus Splendidus. Mandarin fish are known to be extremely shy, so they typically inhabit coral reefs with lots of gaps. These fish typically only go outside at night to look for food. Additionally, this fish spends a lot of time during the day hiding in the cracks of the coral reef it calls home. 

The color of this fish is extremely attractive, with many eye-catching patterns and colors that have wavy lines. This fish has two fins on its back and is about 6 cm long. Its head's resemblance to a frog gives its body a distinctive shape. Additionally categorized as a picky eater, the mandarin fish only consumes crustaceans, protozoa, and small worms. This mandarin fish is distinctive because it lacks scales.  Instead, they possess unique cells that generate viscous, repulsive mucus to shield their bodies from predators. Additionally, this mucus has harmful toxins in it. This fish is also well-known for its exclusive mating ritual that only takes place at dusk.

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