harus diberikan pembelakan kompetensi-kompetensi yang harus dimiliki sebagai seorang pelaksana program bimbingan
konseling dari tenaga ahli profesional, selalu berkomunikasi dengan orang tua untuk bekerja sama terkait perkembangan
dan masalah anak, serta kemampuan guru kelas yang masih kurang akan bertambah dari hasil pengalaman yang dilalui.
Kata Kunci: bimbingan konseling, hambatan guru, pelaksana program
This research aims to describe: 1) Implementation of the guidance and counseling program at elementary school; 2) Nonguidance and counseling educational teacher's barriers in implementing guidance and counseling programs at elementary
school; 3) Solutions for non-guidance and counseling education teachers in implementing the guidance and counseling
program at elementary school. This research types is qualitative with descriptive design. The collection techniques used
are documentation, observation, interview and the data's validity is done by triangulation of sources and techniques. The
results of this study are: 1) Guidance and counseling program implemetation's done by classroom teachers in personal,
career, and study guidance; 2) Obstacles experienced by non-counseling graduate teachers are unable to master