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Malala Yousafzai and SBY’s Plight Stance against Islamic Extremism in Indonesia

21 Oktober 2012   12:53 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   22:34 141
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A hooded, bearded Taliban militant asked a full bus of schoolgirls in Valley Swat, Pakistan,"Which one of you is Malala?" Every body was terrified. "She is propagating against the soldiers of Allah, the Taliban. She must be killed!" shouted the terrorist. And, he recognized Malala and shot her. That was from the

Now Malala Yousafzai, who is in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, is recovering with an amazing recovery. For the course of incident like what happened to Malala, only one out of 100,000 cases that the victims can survive. Malala has escaped from a fatal killing attempt by Taliban extremist who vowed to kill her against once he fully recovers. Taliban, the medieval Islamic group that campaigns for a strict application of sharia Islamic laws in Pakistan's Swat Valley and Waziristan, two regions bordering with Afghanistan, will not stop campaigning for the application of their extreme beliefs.

There the Taliban bans girls' education and vow to kill anybody who challenges the ban. Malala became in a spot light when she wrote a diary in 2009 under a pen name on BBC blog where she told a dire story of girls and women who were prohibited from attending schools by Taliban.

"I wanted to scream, shout and tell the whole world what we were going through. But it was not possible. The Taliban would have killed me, my father, my whole family. I would have died without leaving any mark. So I chose to write with a different name. And it worked, as my valley has been freed," she told a TV journalist when she was invited for an interview for the TV station, ARY News.

In 2011, the picturesque Swat Valley was finally freed from the extremist Taliban. But Malala suspected that Taliban will return to her region as the Commandant of the Taliban had not been captured. The Pakistani Military had not done enough to crash out the Taliban. Taliban will never bow to the will of parents and girls for education.

In an interview with CNN, Malala, challenged the Taliban by wanting the Taliban to show her if the Koran banned the girls from education. Malala has been seen as the threat for Taliban. Taliban acted cowardly by trying too kill a teenage girl of 15. The Taliban's close ally and mentor, Al Qaeda declared the act of terror involving the Taliban who tried to kill Malala was merely a drama. Al Qaeda showed the support of cowardly act of killing by the Taliban.

I have not seen enough concerns from what so called moderat Muslims in Indonesia. Indonesian Muslims seem to support the Taliban and have not shown supports more over condemnation against the Taliban. President Yudhoyono and other parties have never shown any concerns about the Malala. Unlike the British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, and other dignitaries and statesmen condemned the attack, the Indonesian President, Susilo Yudhoyono and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marty Natalegawa did not give any response against the barbaric attack. Indonesia should have condemned the attack on the grounds that Indonesia is the home of moderat Islam.

It is a high time to show the world that Indonesia is not under the Islamic hardliners like FPI (Front for Islamic Defense), Hizbut Tahrir (HT) and other extremist groups such as ex-Afghan volunteers that have terrorized and bombed cities since 1999; series of churches bomb attacks in Jakarta, Bali Bombs I and II, Poso, Ambon, Sampang and other regions across Indonesia.

The Indonesian government, under Yudhoyono's leadership has been in favor for Islamic extremist groups. Several sectarian and religious conflicts involving Islamic hardliners have been silenced by the rallies of show of force of hardliners against the Yudhoyono. And, Yudhoyono has been silenced by the group of hardliners and fails to act against the religious extremism and radicalism in Indonesia.

The failing of Indonesian government to show supports against autocracies conducted by the Taliban and the Malala's killing attempt by the Taliban shows the ambivalent and ambiguous stance on Islamic hardliners in Indonesia. Many parties still need the supports from the majority of the Islamic population which comprises 88% of the total Indonesia's population.

The growing supports for extremisms by the government can also be seen from the killings of policemen in Poso allegedly carried out by Islamic terrorist based in Poso. The government has failed and reluctantly disclosed the killings and who were the culprits behind it. In addition, Poso has been a haven and base for the Indonesian terrorists of ex-Afghan volunteers.

So, the World should understand that the Indonesia's stance against terrorisms need to be revived. It was a great sign that finally Mr. Yudhoyono jailed the leader of Jamaah Islamiyah the Islamic Cleric Abubakar Ba'asyir who implicated to the Bali Bombing. But, that is not the case as the government leans to Islamic hardliners is the main concern in Indonesia. Its reluctant stance against eradication and fighting against Islamic terrorism and extremism needs to be seen as an alarm for the democracy and religious harmony in Indonesia. If not, Indonesia would be the home of the new Indonesian Taliban in the future.

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