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Nina Ockta
Nina Ockta Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - International Relations Student of Singaperbangsa Karawang University 2021.

Interested in Geopolitical and International Securities.




Understanding Hybrid Warfare On The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

25 Desember 2022   14:35 Diperbarui: 25 Desember 2022   14:38 194
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Source: Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Then, in 2015 there was a cyber attack on a Ukrainian electricity distribution company. Not only that, Russia involved various media, the Russian-owned media set editorial rules aimed at manipulating the facts regarding the annexation of Crimea and propaganda. In addition, it also restricts sites believed to be opposed to Russian rule.

Economically, the existence of this hybrid warfare can greatly benefit Russia, in distributing energy from Russia through pipelines that pass through Ukraine into one of Russia's revenues, which will result in energy dependence that will cause other countries to follow the rules made by Russia. Making the Russian state a strategic position in Europe.

At the same time, Russia started an economic and cyber war in Ukraine and has organized espionage activities on its territory and then successfully annexed in the absence of military force, the actions of the Russians are highly coordinated and patterned where local separatists are supporting Russia and the use of Russian media. So this is described as an example of a form of hybrid warfare.

As a result, Russia's actions made Ukraine face various internal and external problems that arose in 2018, the internal problems faced were the political elite and oligarchs who had made the presidential election campaign and were scheduled for March 2019, 

And the parliamentary elections in October 2019, where at that time the country and society were in a tidal situation of mutual trust with each other.

During the campaign period, politicians killed each other's reputations rather than giving people new development strategy ideas. Political developments in Ukraine will center on elections at the end of 2019. 

This is a time when there is a political disturbance with unknown consequences in the future, especially where state institutions still do not have a strong existence.

An external problem for Ukraine is the hybrid warfare carried out by Russia. Because for Russia, Ukraine is a suitable country for testing hybrid warfare methods and military equipment. By the method of divorcing ukrainian society, weakened its reform process.

Then there was another form of hybrid warfare carried out by Russia against Ukraine, it was seen that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the two largest banks, namely PrivatBank and Oshadbank, had become victims of cyber attacks (19/02/2022).

For some time, customers could not use the card or online banking systems. The incident occurred when artillery guns were reportedly active around rebel areas in Luhansk and Donetsk.

Then at the same time, the Russian parliament planned to give official recognition to the rebel-formed republic in the east of Ukraine. This is done not without purpose, but there is a goal of securing influence, in the form of demonstrations of military force such as troop mobilization, military exercises in Belarus, or also coordinated communication.

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