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Nama saya Satya, diambil dari bahasa Sanskrit yang berarti kebenaran. Kebenaran sejati bukan saya, tetapi saya mengikuti Dia yang adalah kebenaran sejati dan kehidupan sejati. Karena nama ini diberikan orang tua saya bagi saya, maka saya akan berjuang sebagai pewarta kebenaran.




Christian Studies and Student’s Spirituality at Universitas Pelita Harapan Surabaya

13 April 2016   18:41 Diperbarui: 13 April 2016   18:56 84
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The Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWB - Ellison, 1983; Paloutzian & Ellison, 1982) is a 20-item self-report measurement consisting of two subscales, one that represents the vertical dimension (religious well-being, RWB) and one that represents the horizontal dimension (existential well-being, EWB), each scale contains 10 items. Each item is rated on a 6-point Likert Scale with answer options ranging from” strongly disagree” (1) to “strongly agree” (6), with no mid-point. This instrument questionnaire has been adapting and translated to bahasa Indonesia. All of the RWB items contain the word God, which was replaced by Tuhan in the present study. The EWB items contain no specifically religious language, instead asking about such things as life purpose, satisfaction, and relations with the people and situations around them. From previous studies using this instrument is reported that the results of test-retest reliability is high (r = .73 to .99), as well as internal consistency reliabilities (r = .78 to .94).

The results of calculations and tests of this instrument showed that the alpha coefficients (Cronbach, 1951) to SWB as a whole was .901 (p <.0001), and alpha coefficients, if item deleted, ranging from .892 to .902 (p <.0001). Alpha coefficients for RWB and EWB were .859 and .804 (p<.0001) respectively. Thus, the three scales showed good internal consistency for the current sample.

A good correlation is also indicated by the three scale and subscales. SWB scale score correlated significantly with scores RWB (r = .942, p<.0001) and EWB (r = .919, p<.0001), as well as RWB and EWB scores correlated significantly (r = .733, p<.0001). Likewise, all the corrected item-total correlations were the resource persons significant (r = .308 - .702, p<.001).

In addition to attention to the spiritual maturity of students, the purpose of the current research is to develop adaptation SWB Scale in Indonesia version (Ellison, 1983; Paloutzian & Ellison, 1982) and evaluate the reliability and validity. The calculation result shows that the Indonesian version of SWB scale has validity and reliability for a measure of spiritual maturity. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient for the overall scale of SWB and RWB and EWB subscale in harmony with previous studies.

In particular, we see that the value of correlation between RWB and SWB is higher than the correlation value EWB and SWB. This is an indication that the development of the spiritual life of students is more influenced by their religious life. It can even be noted that the lowest discriminant items is also found on items EWB, and conversely the highest discriminant items found in RWB. With the majority of respondents are fourth semester students, is the end of the semester in the curriculum UPH Surabaya to obtain Christian studies, we see that there is a tendency that the Christian studies they receive significantly affect the lives of their spirituality. This is because the composition of the respondents came from various denominations in a way different teaching and pressures get high enough discriminant value. This is showing us that Christian studies are important to increasing the spiritual maturity of the students.

Although we can notice that the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient if item deleted is quite high for each item, however we also need to consider that there is value Cronbach alpha if item deleted is greater than the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for the whole. Item no. 8, I feel very fulfilled and satisfied with life (Saya merasa lengkap dan puas dengan kehidupan), if deleted give higher Cronbach’s Alpha for the whole. This item is part of the EWB subscale, can be expected that not all of the students already understand the meaning of their lives so they have difficulty in identifying the gratification of their lives. However this is still in reasonable condition considering the process of learning continues to happen in their lives, so that we can still hope that this will change when they have reached work and in a state of well-established.

Highest discriminant value we find in item no. 11, I believe that God is concerned about my problems (Saya percaya Tuhan peduli dengan masalah hidup saya). This item is part of the RWB subscale; it is very interesting because this statement can be interpreted as respondents' experience of the divine presence in their everyday lives. I saw that, probably because of the many problems faced by students, it can be personal problems, family, education, and so on; they understand that they have limited ability to solve all the problems faced. Christian studies helps them have another orientation in the face of problems. God became the main orientation in the life of the students when they encounter problems, which are reflected in the discriminant value of this item.

Another discriminant value which is high enough shown by item no 7, I have a personally meaningful relationship with God (Saya memiliki relasi pribadi dengan Tuhan yang sangat berarti), dan item no. 17, I feel most fulfilled when I’m in close communion with God (Saya merasa lebih utuh ketika saya dalam persekutuan yang erat dengan Tuhan). These items are part of the RWB subscale; both of these items provide an overview in general that for students, a relationship with God became a staple part of their lives both personally and collectively. This is in accordance with the discussion for item no. 11, that the students feel good relationships, specifically, when they face various problems of life.

From this study we found that SWB Scale can be used to pay attention to the maturity of spirituality and yet have not been able directly to reveal the influence of Christian studies to spirituality itself. Maybe it would be better to create separate questionnaires so it will reveal the full influence of Christian studies to spirituality.

Furthermore, to ensure the influence of Christian studies to students, we need to be done in longitudinal studies and identified. Thus, not only will get an exact picture of the influence of Christian studies, but also can identify the individual, so individual students can be helped to reach spiritual goals, during their education in higher education.

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