Indonesia's interests in the socio-cultural realm are cooperation in the tourism and culture sectors. In realizing the tourism sector, development of supporting facilities is needed. If the tourism sector can be realized well, it will provide benefits to the economic sector both in terms of the influx of tourists and the influx of foreign investors.
   During Indonesia's time as chairman of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) with South Africa, there were several concrete plans to build a peaceful and prosperous Indian Ocean region. These plans or agendas are, IORA Business Forum 2017, Indian Ocean region Leaders' Summit 2017, Third Indian Ocean region Dialogue 2016, IORA Guide for Investment and Second Blue Economy Conference 2017. Through Indonesia's role as Chair of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) in In 2015 -- 2017, it was concluded that Indonesia had active involvement as Chair of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA). Indonesia's involvement through ideas and plans implemented in connection with Indonesia's national interests, namely becoming a Maritime Axis in the international region. In its role as chairman of IORA, Indonesia implements several agendas related to strategic issues in the Indian Ocean region. From several existing agendas, this resulted in the formation of a document as a basic concept in cooperation between member countries and IORA dialogue partner countries. The implementation of these agendas is related to Indonesia's national interests, namely becoming a World Maritime Axis country. With Indonesia's participation as an implementer of the agenda in IORA, Indonesia also has an interest in exerting a dominant influence as a hegemon country in the Indian Ocean region. So, that way Indonesia can show its national strength in the eyes of the world.
   Nazhiif Hibatullah Rahadi, program studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional di Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta angkatan 2022. Alasan mengambil program studi HI karena saya memiliki ketertarikan terhadap relasi antar negara dalam skala internasional yang dimana program studi ini membahas hal tersebut. Dosen favorit saya selama ini adalah Pak Adi Wibawa dan Bu Lucitania Rizky. Saya berencana mengambil konsentrasi diplomasi bisnis.
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