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Impact and Xi Jinping`s Conversation with Joe Biden

16 November 2022   14:36 Diperbarui: 18 November 2022   13:14 332
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The first meeting at the Bali G20 Summit was held on November 15, 2022. The G20 Summit in Bali was fully attended by G20 members ranging from the United States to China.The US and China met bilaterally the day before the G20 Summit in Nusa Dua, Bali, in a historic meeting between the two superpowers, which had been strained due to the Taiwan conflict.

United States President Joe Biden, arrived in Bali, Indonesia, in the evening of November 13, 2022. He was received by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism Agency, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, with plans to stay in Indonesia until November 16. Meanwhile, President Xi Jinping and his wife arrived in Bali, Indonesia, on November 14, 2022. They were received by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, and the governor of Bali, I Wayan Koster.

On the one hand, the US is a strong superpower country that wants to be in power and does not want to be outdone by competition. However, it seems that Joe Biden is becoming the leader of this superpower by setting aside his ego because he wants a cold war between China and the United States. Although China and the United States have recently had relations that are on the verge of boiling over, the international community hopes that their meeting not trigger the seeds of a cold war between the two.

China, which is known for its toughness, also wants to witness the G20 Bali Summit and meet Joe Biden directly, only between China and the US. Besides that, even though the third lion was not present in person (Russia), Xi Jinping and Joe Biden were here in person and even met face-to-face. China feels that it has to be present at every Asia-Pacific meeting; maybe China also doesn't want a new cold war after this.

Joe Biden said that this meeting was very important and that much was discussed, not only geopolitical issues but also the global economy. And that will be one of the considerations for the two leaders, especially as they sit down and talk about a delicate matter for a few hours.

Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping sat across from each other, warmly greeting each other. This meeting was held in the midst of increasing tension between the two superpowers in the global arena. They even smiled and shook hands; the face-to-face meeting lasted almost 3.5 hours. And that includes a lengthy meeting between the two countries that is heating up.

"As leaders of the two countries, we share a responsibility, in my view, to demonstrate that China and the United States can manage differences, prevent competition from becoming anything close to conflict, and find ways to work together on pressing global issues," mentioned Biden.

During the meeting, Xi Jinping said that nothing could replace face-to-face meetings, even though they often communicated via video conference and sent letters to each other. Xi Jinping also invited Joe Biden to chart the best course and take the necessary steps to strengthen bilateral ties between the two countries in all fields.

Xi Jinping said that, "currently the relationship between the US and China is in such a situation that we are all concerned about it, because this is not merely the fundamental interests of the two countries and people, and that is not what the international community expects from us, as leaders of two major countries we need to chart the right direction for the US-China relationship."

While Joe Biden said "thank you" to Xi Jinping for congratulating him at the inauguration of Joe Biden in 2021. Joe Biden also congratulated Xi Jinping on extending his term as President of China. Joe Biden is also committed to maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and he also emphasized that every country complies with international traffic rules.

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