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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Journey To a Systematic Review: Lessons Learned and Discoveries Made

25 Juni 2023   08:02 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2023   08:09 64
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Research objectives are essential in a systematic review. Therefore, when deciding the research objectives, we discussed them together. At first, we discussed some potential topics from the topic lists, but ultimately, we agreed on sorghum for food security. After that, we continued to arrange the research objectives. We did some research on sorghum and food security. Next, we finally can bring up the research objectives, which is to review sorghum's characteristic and several aspects of food security as the main objective and to find out how sorghum can be utilized with its benefits as a solution to food security problems, such as accessibility, availability, utilization, and consumption of food as a specific objective. Things that we can learn from the group dynamic is when carrying out some things together from the start, it can be simpler and more efficient.

When writing the outline of the systematic review, we realized that this assignment was not easy, but it gave us lots of experiences and lessons. We felt this assignment was very hard, and we thought it might be difficult to do because we had other assignments as well. We weren't sure that we could finish this assignment. As time went by, we worked together and learned many valuable lessons. First, we learned more about systematic reviews and how to write them correctly. While writing the outline of a systematic review, we learned to think broader and more creatively to come up with discoveries so that our systematic review can have valuable and interesting value for others. This assignment also teaches us to work together as a team. We also learn to discuss, share ideas, listen to the opinions of other members, and equitably distribute tasks so that all members can work effectively. Related to that, we also learned to manage our time to submit our assignments on time. We also learn to communicate and provide assistance to each other. In addition, we also learned a lot about the material of our research, which is sorghum. One of the critical things we learned is that sorghum has many benefits and can be used to solve food security problems in Indonesia.

Our group uses Science Direct, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, and Garuda as databases for our systematic review. We used those databases because it makes retrieving large quantities of data and the desired year of publication easier. During this assignment, we felt a supportive group dynamic. Our group encourages each other to take breaks because we are looking for journal articles during the day and late at night. In addition, due to a lack of consultation with lecturers, we have some difficulty searching for journal articles. Our group discussed every step of the data search process, from evaluating data to problem-solving. In conducting discussions, the group experienced a difference of opinion during discussions, but we could efficiently resolve it due to our frequent communication, which minimized misunderstandings.

As a group, finding the journal and extracting the contents of the journal proved to be the most challenging task. Repetitive reading of hundreds of journals seemed nearly impossible initially, but in the end, we managed to narrow down hundreds of journals. We divided our tasks based on the databases that we used. We used five databases in the systematic review to easier divide the tasks. By dividing the tasks, the mountain of journals seems to disappear in a blink of an eye. We each decided on 20-25 journals in the abstraction table. During this task, the group's dynamic feels more united. Like moving a giant boulder where all must push together for it to move, this task feels similar in the sense that we must work together for the systematic review to progress. As mentioned in the second paragraph, we learned to think broader and more creatively while searching for journals. That more expansive and more creative thinking is put to the test during this abstraction reading task. Thankfully, our research objective of the systematic review proved to help provide a guide on what should and shouldn't be extracted.

After determining the topic to be discussed, our group discussed together to determine the research objective and topic tree for assignment 1 (ASG 1). We brainstormed together to develop ideas that can be developed in the topics that can be discussed. In assignment 2, we also discussed the abstract, databases, keywords, and the Prisma flowchart. Each of us searched for databases that might use for our literature. Then, we did a re-screening of the databases. We divided the tasks based on the paragraphs in assignment 3. Afterwards, we reviewed together to check the systematic review protocol. Meanwhile, the task division for the abstraction table is done based on the database we have determined, namely ScienceDirect, Wiley, Taylor and Francis, and Garuda. In assignment 4, we decided to share the tasks based on our research objective: sorghum in general, sorghum's accessibility, availability, utilization, and food consumption.

Our group dynamics are felt positively. Our group works well together, has high productivity, and works effectively. If one of our members has difficulties, the other members will help. This mutual trust and understanding also contribute to effective group dynamics. From doing the assignments, we have learned the true meaning of teamwork. Teamwork might seem like just doing tasks as a group, but there is so much more to it than that. Teamwork requires the willingness to share and debate ideas, proper communication to avoid misunderstanding, supporting each other, and being responsible. In addition, assignments taught us to think more critically. Working in a group lets each member pool their perspectives and knowledge to produce creative solutions. Different points of view can provide answers to complex problems.

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