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Joice Natasha
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Hello everyone! I'm Joice Natasha. My highschool friend was called me Ijuih. I'm a student majoring in English Literature at UNP (Universitas Negeri Padang). Have a good day.



Ruang Kelas

Beautiful Things Of Friendship

8 Oktober 2024   10:01 Diperbarui: 8 Oktober 2024   10:17 21
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 Friendship is the most beautiful form of human relation. Various forms of human nature can be united in friendship. Good and bad things, friendship is always what it is. What is the bad nature in us make us unacceptable to others? But in friendship, bad nature isn’t that important. What is important about friendship is how we can laugh happily together and do fun things. How beautiful our friendship so far.

   We related well to many people without having to think about our shortcomings. We should always be grateful because we have good friends who accept us as we are. Good friends never make our shortcomings as a reason to hate, but a reason why we should be able to rise and change. That is the beauty of friendship that we may not have realized so far. Maintain the beauty created in our friendship and do the positive things. It’s good for us to always forgive mistakes and build good relationship.

Joice Natasha L


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