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Ilmu Sosbud

We Should Love Our Culture

12 November 2022   07:10 Diperbarui: 12 November 2022   07:27 393
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Indonesia is a country that is rich in diversity and cultural richness. Various ethnic groups inhabit the islands that stretch from Sabang to Merauke. As well as many unique types of flora and fauna. This makes Indonesia a paradise on earth that has uniqueness and diversity. However, that diversity can backfire which can damage unity when it is not maintained properly and is more concerned with each group. 

According to the KBBI, culture means thoughts, reason, results, customs, or something that has become a habit that is difficult to change. Culture is something that is owned and continues to be developed by the next generation. And culture is a form of action from the power possessed by a nation to have an original identity in the face of intense competition in the global world.

Currently, many foreign cultures enter Indonesia easily. This is unavoidable, especially because of the influence of globalization in today's highly advanced technological developments. Globalization makes it easy for people in the world to interact and slowly eliminates the differences that limit them. Characters that appear in adolescents tend to be influenced by globalization. This can be shown by the behavior patterns of adolescents, such as lack of manners, cheating during exams, lack of social sensitivity, and so on. 

And today's youth, if asked, do you understand our culture? Surely the answer is only lightning, “yes obviously, you have to follow what is trending later.“ This kind of attitude should not be imitated, our culture is the responsibility of all of us citizens. 

As Pak Sukarno said, „Give me 10 young men, and I will shake the world“. So let's do something to make a difference. What can we do, like the expression above, so that youth can make a very big change? Let's start uniting to love our own culture and preserve our culture. 

Simple Ways to Love Culture 

  • Consistently Use Regional Language. 

Although it is quite difficult to get used to using local languages, if we are consistent in preserving culture with local languages, it will be easy. 

  • Know History. 

Knowing history teaches us about the origins of a place, character, or culture, which makes us more enthusiastic about protecting it.

  • Teaching culture to many people

Not many of us want to introduce our own culture, but precisely by teaching it to many people, our culture will become more widespread and known to many people.

  • Maintain your own culture tenaciously.

The onslaught of foreign cultures that enter, making domestic culture Moreover, foreign cultures entered so quickly and were loved by many people. As the nation's next generation, we must continue to preserve our own culture. Do not let us be influenced by foreign cultures that have mushroomed. When compared, foreign cultures do look more slangy and contemporary, but that doesn't mean Indonesian culture can't compete. Many Indonesian cultures are no less interesting to show.

  • Buying domestic products

Another way to love Indonesian culture is to buy local products. Many foreign products are now popping up, but local products are also of no less quality. In addition to helping preserve cultural products, we can also help the local economy.

  • Introducing culture to the global world

Using this method is the most profitable from an economic point of view; namely, carrying out this export activity will make outsiders also learn about and become acquainted with Indonesian culture.

You already know that it is a way of loving our own culture, so if we leave or do not love our own culture, there will be a negative impact, namely that the culture will become extinct, our children and grandchildren will not know the culture because it is extinct, causing foreign countries to imitate the culture for it to be preserved. love our own culture




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