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Nadhirah Kanahaya
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Seorang Mahasiswi Universitas Negeri Padang




Resilience in The Heart of Padang

28 Mei 2024   10:46 Diperbarui: 28 Mei 2024   11:49 73
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In Padang's heart, where beauty thrived,

A sudden tempest's force arrived.

Nature's fury, unchained and wild,

Tore through landscapes once so mild.

The mountains quaked, their silence broke,

As earth beneath them heaved and choked.

Homes were shattered, dreams laid bare,

Grief and loss hung in the air.

Rivers swelled with a vengeful tide,

Sweeping hope and life aside.

Families clung to remnants dear,

Facing darkness, braving fear.

Yet in the rubble, strength was found,

Resilience grew from broken ground.

Neighbors reached with helping hands,

Unity spread across the lands.

Amidst the chaos, candles burned,

A symbol of the hope returned.

Prayers whispered in the night,

For a future, strong and bright.

Oh, Padang, land of trials deep,

From sorrow's well, new dreams we keep.

With each sunrise, healing flows,

From the wounds, a new life grows.

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