2. 1940-an - 1950-an: Pasca Perang Dunia II, pengembangan teknik-teknik manajemen dan ilmu operasi semakin berkembang. Metode-metode seperti analisis program linier, teori antrian, dan simulasi mulai diterapkan dalam lingkungan bisnis.
3. 1960-an - 1970-an: Penggunaan teknologi komputer semakin meluas, yang memungkinkan pengembangan sistem informasi manajemen (MIS) dan sistem pendukung keputusan (DSS) untuk membantu manajemen operasi.
4. 1980-an - 1990-an: Pada era ini, konsep-konsep seperti Total Quality Management (TQM) dan Lean Manufacturing menjadi fokus utama dalam Manajemen Operasi. Prinsip-prinsip ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk dan efisiensi proses produksi.
5. 2000-an: Globalisasi dan teknologi informasi semakin memengaruhi Manajemen Operasi. Supply Chain Management menjadi kunci penting dalam mengelola rantai pasokan global.
6. 2010-an hingga saat ini: Inovasi dan perkembangan teknologi terus mempengaruhi Manajemen Operasi. Konsep-konsep seperti Industri 4.0, yang mencakup IoT (Internet of Things), Big Data, dan kecerdasan buatan (AI), memainkan peran besar dalam mengubah cara operasi bisnis dijalankan.
Selama perkembangannya, Manajemen Operasi telah berkembang dari pendekatan yang bersifat mekanistik dan fokus pada efisiensi produksi, menuju pendekatan yang lebih holistik dan strategis. Sekarang, manajemen operasi tidak hanya terbatas pada produksi fisik, tetapi juga mencakup manajemen layanan, teknologi informasi, logistik, rantai pasokan, dan banyak aspek operasional lainnya. Dengan teknologi terus berkembang dan tantangan global yang terus berubah, Manajemen Operasi akan terus beradaptasi untuk memenuhi tuntutan dari lingkungan bisnis yang selalu berubah.
Operations management has actually been around since humans began producing goods and services. The origins of operations management can be traced to the beginning of human civilization, but this discussion is focused on the last 200 years. In the following discussion, the history of operations management is not described in strict chronological terms, but according to the main schools. On this basis, there are seven main schools that have contributed to the development of the field of operations management, including the following.Â
Origins of Operations Management. In its journey, operations management is still relatively young, but its history can be said to be unique, rich and interesting. Eli Whitney (1800), is known as the first person to popularize components that can be disassembled and assembled, this was achieved through standardization and quality control. He succeeded in winning a United States government contract for 10,000 weapons which were sold at high prices because the weapons were disassembled.Â
Furthermore, Frederick W. Taylor (1881), known as the father of management science, contributed the knowledge of employee selection, planning and scheduling, motion studies, and Ergonomics is a very popular field in its time until now. This was his biggest contribution through the belief that management could become stronger and more aggressive by improving work methods. Not only that, Taylor, Henry L. Gantt, Frank, and Lillian Gilbreth were among the first people to systematically look for the best way to produce. Another contribution from Taylor is that management must be responsible for several things, including:
1. placing the right workers in the right place;
2. providing adequate training;