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Facing The Campus World: Why Freshmen Mental Health Should Be a Priority

23 Desember 2024   21:42 Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2024   21:42 74
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Various studies show that the mental health of freshmen is at a high level of vulnerability and should be a priority. Dian (n.d.) explains that students often face major changes during the transition to college, such as adaptation to new freedoms, changing social conditions, and different learning systems. These changes often trigger high levels of anxiety and increase the risk of depression.

This is reinforced by research by Azmul Fuady Idham et al, who found that 58.1% of 62 students studied in Surabaya City had a high tendency of suicidal ideation and attempts. These results were published in the journal Intuition in November 2019. In addition, an Alvara Research Center survey (2022) of 1,520 respondents in 34 Indonesian provinces showed that generation Z, which includes most freshmen, has a higher level of anxiety than millennials and X generations. Factors such as academic pressure, financial problems, and feeling left behind by classmates are the main triggers of their stress.

Another study by University of Indonesia psychologist Dyah T. Indirasari revealed that during the pandemic, students showed a high tendency of negative emotions compared to other groups such as teachers and lecturers. The study of 5,817 respondents indicates that the transition phase from adolescence to adulthood is one of the main causes of high levels of anxiety, depression and stress in university students. The findings emphasize the need for more attention to the mental health of new students as part of efforts to support their academic success and quality of life.

Strategies to Address Freshmen Mental Health Challenges

Foto Strategi (Sumber: Freepik)
Foto Strategi (Sumber: Freepik)

1. Provision of Counseling Services

The provision of easily accessible counseling services is essential to help new students cope with the academic and emotional stress they face. Campuses need to provide counseling services that include individual and group counseling, as well as prevention programs that can help students identify and address mental health issues early on. These services should be available in person on campus as well as online, to facilitate students who may not be able to access the services physically. Thus, students have flexible access and can get help whenever they need it. In addition, group counseling can also be a means for students to share experiences and gain social support, which is crucial in overcoming the emotional difficulties often felt during transition (Irawan, M., Bella, S., & Nurhijatina, H. 2024).

2. Soft Skills Training

Menurut Irawan, M., Bella, S., & Nurhijatina, H. (2024). New students often face difficulties in managing time, communicating well, and dealing with the stress of high academic demands. Therefore, soft skills training is needed to help them develop the necessary skills to face these challenges. Campuses can organize workshops or seminars that focus on developing skills such as time management, effective communication, and how to manage stress in a healthy manner. This kind of training will not only improve students' ability to deal with academic pressure, but also give them the tools to interact better with classmates, lecturers, and the surrounding environment. By having good soft skills, students can feel more confident and prepared to manage various challenging situations in their college life.

3. Support from Parents and Family

Emotional support from family is crucial in helping freshmen overcome the challenges they face during the transition to college. Parents need to understand that freshmen often experience stress due to academic pressure, social difficulties and financial problems. Therefore, it is important for parents to always listen to their child's complaints and concerns and provide the support needed, whether in the form of encouragement, attention, or practical help. Open communication between students and their families can help reduce loneliness and isolation, which is often a big problem for overseas students. Positive family support can provide students with a sense of security and comfort, and improve their mental well-being, so that they are better able to deal with the pressures that exist.

4. Building an Inclusive Campus Environment

Campuses should create an inclusive and supportive environment for all students, including new students who are adapting to campus life. One way to achieve this is by providing social spaces that allow students to interact and build healthy friendship networks. Campuses also need to ensure that all students feel welcome and valued, regardless of their cultural background, religion, or social status. An inclusive environment will help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation that students often experience, especially those who come from outside the city or country (Irawan, M., Bella, S., & Nurhijatina, H, 2024). In addition, campuses should also provide various extracurricular activities that can bring together students with similar interests and hobbies, so that they can feel more connected to the campus community and strengthen the sense of community among students.


The mental health of new students is a very important factor in ensuring their success during higher education. The transition from high school to university is a period of change that can affect students' mental well-being. Heavier academic pressures, difficult social adjustments, overwhelming financial issues and differences in the university learning system are often the main challenges faced. If these issues are not properly addressed, the impact can be detrimental, ranging from mental disorders that interfere with concentration, motivation, to hindering the continuation of their education. Students who do not have adequate support may feel depressed and even experience a significant decline in their quality of life.

Therefore, prioritizing the mental health of new students should be an integral part of higher education policy. Campuses need to provide various forms of support that can help students overcome these challenges. Accessible counseling services are crucial, providing individual and group counseling, as well as prevention programs that help students to recognize and address problems early on. In addition, soft skills training that teaches students how to manage stress, manage time, and build good communication is needed. Support from family and an inclusive social environment are also very instrumental in helping students feel accepted and reduce loneliness, especially for those who come from outside the region or abroad.

Supporting the mental health of new students not only supports their academic achievements, but also prepares them to become more productive, resilient individuals who are able to contribute positively to society. By creating a supportive and caring campus environment for mental health, campuses not only help students face academic challenges, but also provide them with the skills to deal with difficulties in their personal and professional lives. This will have a significant long-term impact, not only on students' personal development, but also on the quality of future generations who are mentally healthier, ready to face the world of work, and able to contribute to the social and economic progress of the nation.


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