Mohon tunggu...
Andi MuhaiminDarwis
Andi MuhaiminDarwis Mohon Tunggu... Relawan - Menulislah. Sebelum kenangan indah terbuang sia-sia. Hargai hidupmu lebih dari siapapun itu.

Teknik Sipil 2015, Univ. Muhammadiyah Makassar.




LeX : Design Thinking and Cultural Exchange

12 Oktober 2019   19:57 Diperbarui: 12 Oktober 2019   20:00 48
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The 12 days were up. And it was time for us split up and we realized that we have to accept the destiny that we were born in different countries. At the end of the trip, we had a gift exchange. The gift will be a an evidence as a witness that we had meet. Yes, short meet-ups for forever moments.

Unismuh Students then accompanied SP Students to the Sultan Hasanuddin Airport and we had to decide to finally let go of our fellow friends from Singapore as we watched them slowly fade and trudge their way through in the Airport and slowly disappear into thin air.

Till we meet again, Friends.


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