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Mr WinG
Mr WinG Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - guru





Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs; What do you usually do on Sundays

9 Februari 2024   06:22 Diperbarui: 9 Februari 2024   06:24 182
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Diary. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Markus Winkler

Morning was still enveloped in the comforting embrace of night. However, many people had already begun their morning exercises, either jogging or taking leisurely walks. I slowly directed my  bike towards the new road.

The atmosphere was somewhat tranquil, causing me to hesitate in continuing my journey. However, when I stumbled upon a stall selling Soto Ayam (Indonesian chicken soup), I didn't hesitate to park my  bike in front of the stall. 

The time displayed on the corner of my phone indicated 06:03. It was still early, as I intentionally set out early to savor this bright day.
My first destination was the new road. What better way to start the day than by hunting for breakfast? It had been a while since I last enjoyed a bowl of Soto Ayam.

The seller was busy attending to customers, some of whom requested their Soto Ayam to be wrapped for their family's breakfast.
"I heard that the price of rice has reached 16,000 rupiah per kilogram," I overheard the seller lamenting, while the customer simply smiled.

"Does that mean the price of Soto Ayam has increased?" I inquired.
"It hasn't increased, but I've reduced the portion," replied Mak Ijah, as I'll refer to her (not her real name).

Mak Ijah was occupied serving customers while occasionally flipping her fried ingredients---fried chicken shreds and tempeh. After serving customers who bought fried chicken shreds, I ordered Soto Ayam from Mak Ijah.

"Chicken soup, with all the toppings. Do you want to add boiled eggs?" I asked Mak Ijah.

I noticed boiled eggs were available.

"Are boiled eggs available, Mak?"

"No, they're not. I only brought fried eggs from home, so the raw eggs were left behind. If I had brought them, I would have boiled them here," Mak Ijah replied.

"Okay, that's fine, " I said.

Mak Ijah prepared my order---a bowl of chicken soup with hot fried tempeh. "I fried the tempeh again, Bu. Because if I brought it from home, by the time I get here, it's limp and not crispy anymore," Mak Ijah explained.

"Yes, Bu. This is delicious, warm, and crispy," I remarked while enjoying the delightful chicken soup with hot fried tempeh.

It was indeed delicious, just the breakfast I desired.

"Another one?" Mak Ijah asked. "Just one, I'm alone!" I replied, looking around, just in case Mak Ijah saw someone else beside me. What a sign that would be. Hihihi...

"It's more enjoyable alone. There's no chance of betrayal!"

"Hahaha...!" Mak Ijah laughed.

"Bu, you're funny!"

"Sometimes!" I chuckled along.

Or perhaps this had something to do with the reduced portion of chicken soup, so Mak Ijah thought maybe someone like me wouldn't be satisfied with just one portion? Hahaha...

Actually, this small portion was perfect for me. No matter how much food I bought, it always suited me. A little was enough, but I could finish a lot.

That had become a way of life, a food pattern. Frugal living that had been unconsciously instilled by parents since childhood and carried into adulthood.

"Do you want a warm tea, Bu?" Mak Ijah asked. "Yes, just a warm tea," I replied.

"Do you have to pay to sell here, Bu?"

While enjoying the chicken soup, I chatted with Mak Ijah.

Slightly ignoring Mindful Eating. But this was intentional, and I also observed the portion. Even the taste, I observed carefully and relished it to the fullest. Uh...

"If you want to set up a permanent stall, you need permission, Bu. You have to go to the village. But if you just set up a table and display your goods, you don't need permission."

"That's how it is, Bu. The stall across the street doesn't need permission. It's from Telukbetung, so the selling isn't permanent."

"If you need permission from the city major, you also need to have an ID card," Mak Ijah explained.

Meanwhile, I listened while enjoying the chicken soup. The rice wasn't too soft, but it balanced well with the savory chicken soup, so it was somewhat disguised.

It was delicious, as I finished it all. The seasoning was just right. Not too sweet, combined with the crispy fried tempeh, it tasted harmonious.

Uh... what about families? Many families are hit by infidelity. They lose to chicken soup, which can be harmonious. Hohoho... what's the connection?

"It seems like today isn't too busy, right, Bu?" I asked.

"On Sundays, it's crowded, Bu."

"Many people exercise, right, Bu?"

"Not really. Usually on Sundays, it's full of stalls, Bu. You can't even exercise. People who come here aren't for exercise, but for culinary."

"Oh, I see, Bu."

"On days like public holidays, it's still like a regular day," Mak Ijah replied.

"Thank God, my sales are good today. The fried chicken shreds are almost gone, because those who buy chicken soup usually also buy fried chicken shreds, even though I originally intended it for the topping,"

"Making a lot of fried chicken shreds, Bu. Especially if many people like it."

"Yes, that's right, Bu. But I'm afraid that if I make a lot, it won't be enough, Bu."

"Let's just say, Bismillah, Bu," I said with a laugh.

"Yes!" Hehehe...

"Done, Bu."

"What else?"

"This is chicken soup with hot tea." The chicken soup costs 15,000 rupiah, the tea costs 3,000 rupiah. So, it's all 18,000 rupiah."

I immediately paid for my breakfast and was about to continue my journey. I decided to have jogging in Pahoman Stadium.

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