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Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs (Fase D): What is The Tissue For?

6 Februari 2024   22:42 Diperbarui: 9 Februari 2024   07:11 273
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Bahasa. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Jcstudio

We tear tissue into strips and use them to tie back curtains.

  • She folds tissue into origami shapes to decorate the room.

  • They tear tissue into pieces and use them as confetti for the party.

  • I fold tissue into a triangle and use it as a makeshift hat.

  • She crumples tissue into balls and uses them as stress balls.

  • He tears tissue into strips and uses them as makeshift bandages.

  • The florist folds tissue into cones and uses them as holders for flower petals.

  • I fold a tissue neatly before placing it in my pocket.

  • She wipes her hands with a tissue after cooking.

  • The waiter cleans the table with a tissue before seating the next guests.

  • They use a tissue to blot excess oil from their pizza.

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