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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

The Effect of Socialization and Education on Protein Nutrition Knowledge in Tunas Karya Elementary School

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The Effect of Socialization and Education on Protein Nutrition Knowledge in Grade 6 Students of Tunas Karya Elementary School

Mochamad Gustiar  1, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto 2

1 Departemen Pendidikan Kepelatihan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

2 Departemen Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

* Corresponding Author. E-mail:


The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of knowledge of 6th-grade students of Tunas Karya Elementary School about the importance of good protein nutrition for the body. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method with a sample of 12 students of grade 6 Tunas Karya Elementary School. The research was conducted in 3 stages (i) giving a questionnaire as a pretest; (ii) conducting treatment by providing education to students about the importance of good protein nutrition for the body; (iii) the researcher again gave a questionnaire as a post-test to find out if there was any progress in students understanding of the importance of protein nutrition for the body. The results of this study showed the average value of the pretest was 65.00 and the average value of the post-test was 83.33. These results indicate there is an increase in knowledge after being given treatment. The effectiveness of giving treatment in the form of socialization and education about the importance of protein nutrition for the body is significantly based on the results of the sig t-test. (2-tailed) between pretest and posttest has a value of 0.001 < 0.05 which means there is a significant development. While the results of the calculation of N-gain, it is known the average N-gain is 51% which shows socialization and education about protein nutrition knowledge to students is less effective. This is because education is only done once students do not understand the material presented. With the completion of this research, it is hoped the public will pay more attention to the importance of knowledge and intake of protein nutrition according to the needs of children's growth and development; the public can know about the benefits of consuming protein; people are more aware to consume foods contain high protein to support the child's development process.


elementary school students, nutrition, protein

1. Introduction 

Adequacy of nutrition and food greatly affects human intelligence and productivity and is one of the most important factors in developing the quality of human resources (Noviyanti et al. (2022). The World Health Organization (WHO) states nutrition is a major pillar of health and well-being throughout the life cycle. Efforts to improve nutritional status for the development of quality human resources must essentially start as early as possible, one of which is school children (Djamaluddin et al. 2022). Nutritional status is also defined as health status produced by a balance between nutritional needs and inputs (Beck 2000). Nutritional status is closely related to a person's cognitive intelligence. 

Nutritional status affects the process of growth and development of children, one of which is intellectual ability which will have an impact on children's learning achievement at school (Hardinsyah 2007). Improvements in nutrition are needed throughout the life cycle, starting from pregnancy, infants and toddlers, preschoolers, elementary and middle school children, adolescents and adults to old age (Heath et al. (2005). The assets of human resources and the nation's next generation are children. 

School-age children are the nation's investment as successors and determine the quality of a nation, therefore efforts to improve the quality of human resources must be focused early, systematically and continuously. The provision of nutrition with good and correct quality and quantity greatly affects the growth and development of school-age children (Judarwanto 2010). Primary school students are strategic targets in improving nutritional status (Calderón 2002; Choi et al. 2008).

Substances for building or growth are proteins, proteins are new tissue-forming materials in the body. The function of protein is to maintain the body's resistance to certain diseases because protein is an antibody forming (Hardinsyah 2007). The most important role of protein is as a major component of muscles and body tissues. Protein can also be used to produce hormones, enzymes and hemoglobin (Hoffman & Falvo 2004). Protein quality is an illustration of how the protein contained in the food will affect growth seen from the composition of essential amino acids, the body's ability to digest, and the bioavailability of the amino acids it contains (Schaafsma 2000; Hoffman & Falvo 2004). 

Increasing protein synthesis will slowly cause muscle hypertrophy which will ultimately affect muscle strength (Rasmussen 2000; Philip et al. 2005). Animal food ingredients are good sources of protein, both in quantity and quality, such as eggs, milk, meat, poultry, fish, and shellfish. Sources of vegetable protein are soybeans and their products, such as tempeh and tofu, as well as other nuts. Soybeans are a source of vegetable protein has the highest quality or biological value. As previously described, legume protein is limited in the amino acid methionine. This condition shows the respondent is good at regulating the consumption of food enters his body.

Previous studies discussed nutritional knowledge include research conducted by Pahlevi (2012) regarding the determinants of nutritional status in elementary school students, discussing low nutritional knowledge can hinder efforts to improve nutrition both in families and communities. However, there has been no research discusses the importance of knowledge on one of the aspects affect nutrition, namely protein. Therefore, this study aims to determine the extent of knowledge of elementary school students about the importance of good protein for the body and how much protein is needed by the body in accordance with normal growth depending on the nutrients of each student of Tunas Karya State Elementary School. the sample in this study. The novelties of this study are (1) people pay more attention to the importance of protein intake according to the needs of children's growth and development; (2) the public can know about the benefits of consuming protein; (3) people are more aware to consume foods contain high protein to support the child's development process.

2. Materials and Methods 

2.1. Research Subject

The subjects of this research were 6th grade students of Tunas Karya State Elementary School in Sukawana Village. The sample included 12 students, 7 boys and 5 girls between the ages of 11 and 12.

2.2. Research Design Analysis

Collecting research data by distributing questionnaires to 6th grade students of Tunas Karya State Elementary School. The research procedure was carried out by giving a questionnaire as a pretest, then doing treatment by providing socialization and education to students about the importance of good protein nutrition for the body. the importance of protein nutrition for the body. The data processing approach used is a quantitative approach. The researcher made 20 pretest questions and 20 posttest questions. The types of questions given are 10 questions with Yes and No answers, 10 questions with multiple choice answers. The scoring of the answers is marked as 1 for correct answers and 0 for incorrect answers.

The questions measure the level of knowledge about protein consisting of 20 questions are as follows:

  1. Which of the following is a vegetable protein?

a. Milk, Vegetable, Fruit                  b. Tofu, Tempe, Soybean

  1. Which of the following is an animal protein?

a. Fish, eggs, meat                            b. Chicken, eggs, fruit

  1. Below, the composition of 4 healthy 5 perfect is

a. Marjan, milk, snacks                    b. Tofu, Tempe, Rice

  1. Foods contain high protein are:

a. Rice                                               b. Soybeans

  1. Protein is beneficial for

a. Increase immunity            b. Make a bloated stomach

  1. Which of the following is a vegetable protein, except

a. Milk, beef, tempeh                       b. Tofu, tempeh, beans

  1. The composition of food 4 healthy 5 perfect is

a. Milk, vitamins, fat, micin             b. Carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, fats

  1. Nutrients function to help accelerate the growth process are:

a. Fat                                                 b. Protein

  1. Foods can help replace damaged cells are:

a. Rice                                               b. Fish Meat

  1. Which of the following foods is high in protein?

a. Salmon                                          b. Salted fish

2.3. N-Gain Nilai Value Analysis

N-gain is the comparison of the average gain obtained with the maximum possible average (Gain = posttest score – pretest score). The benefit of N-gain is to see the impact of providing education or learning. The equation used in calculating the N-gain is as follows:

Equation  1. N-Gain


Table 1 is a classification table for N-gain in percentage by Anshori and Wulandari (2020):

Table 1. N-Gain Classification Table


3. Results and Discussion

Table 2 is the result of the analysis of the paired t-test which shows the average pretest value is 65.00 and the posttest average value is 83.33. These results indicate an increase in knowledge of the students of Tunas Karya Elementary School after being given treatment about the importance of protein nutrition education for the body.

Table 2. Improved Test Paired Sample t-Test


Table 3 is the result of the analysis of the paired t-test which shows the significant value of the pretest and posttest. The effectiveness of giving treatment in the form of education about the importance of protein nutritional intake for the body is significant based on the results of the t-test because it is based on Table 3. sig. (2-tailed) between pretest and posttest has a value of 0.001 <0.05 which means there is a significant increase.

Table 3. Significant Test t-Test


Table 4 is the result of the analysis of the gain value which is processed using excel. The calculation of the gain value is done to see the increase in students' knowledge after being given treatment in the form of socialization and education about the importance of protein nutrition for the body. From Table 4 it is known the average value of N-gain is 0.51 (51%) indicating the treatment given in the form of socialization and education about the importance of protein nutrition for the body is less effective for elementary school students. This is in accordance with research conducted by Anshori and Wulandari (2020) if the percentage value is at least 40% and a maximum of 55%, then the method is less effective. This is caused by a lack of knowledge from students when only given one treatment.

Table 4. Results Pretest and Posttest


4. Conclusions 

This study aims to determine the extent of the knowledge of 6th grade students of Tunas Karya Elementary School about protein nutrition intake for the body. There are 3 main steps in conducting this research, namely (i) giving a questionnaire as a pretest; (ii) conduct treatment by providing socialization and education to students about the importance of good protein for the body; (iii) the researcher again gave a questionnaire as a posttest to find out whether there was a development in students' knowledge about the importance of protein nutrition for the body. The results showed an increase in the average value of the pretest from 65.00 to 83.33 when the posttest was given. Based on the results of the t-test, it is known there are significant results from pretest to posttest. It has a value of 0.001 < 0.05. N-gain calculation is done to determine the effectiveness of the treatment given. The results show the average value of N-gain is 0.51 (51%) which means the treatment given in the form of socialization and education about knowledge of protein nutrition intake for 6th grade students of Tunas Karya Elementary School is less effective. This is because the provision of socialization and education is only done once. Students still do not know about protein nutritional intake.

5. Acknowledgment

We say thank you of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia for collaborating with the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM). As well as thanking the group of 71 who have helped the implementation of this program with the theme of a village without hunger.

6. References

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