Stephen King wrote a scary story called "IT”. Stephen King's "IT" is a story about a group of friends who face an ancient evil in the form of clown (Pennywise). The tale includes their childhood and adulthood, exploring themes of trauma, friendship, and the enduring impact of fear. And it is from the novel in 1986, then be film in 2017. These versions are mostly the same, but they have some big differences. This essay talks about those differences
- Film
In the film is divided into 2 parts (kids and when they grow up)
- Novel
In the novel just one novel, it is super long, like 1,153 pages.
Scary and Bloody in both
- Film
In the film is less scary (or les bloody) than in the novel because in the TV actually. And it is just like the jump scare when we watch the film.
- Novel
In the novel has lots of scary stuff, terror, and gory things. So we can know about the terror of the pennywise.
- Film
In the film did not describe about the traumatic for each character in the past clearly.
- Novel
In the novel the tragedy is described obviously.