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Lyfe Pilihan

Road to Big Bad Wolf Jakarta 2018

17 Maret 2018   15:27 Diperbarui: 17 Maret 2018   19:54 1377
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Hello Everyone! Big Bad Wolf is back! I will share my experience on BBW last 2017 #auuwsome

I got the golden ticket (lol) that may not so golden last year (golden ticket refer to VIP ticket). I got two tickets last year. One from attending Jakarta Book Club. The second one as a blogger (I'm so honor that my name was printed and considered as a blogger hohoho). Anyway, you may wonder because I rarely wrote here. My original blog was that unfortunately was block and still blocked yet T_T or you can check my instagram (@misty3092) to see my preferable reading book. 

Too bad, I wrote many book reviews and book-related posts last year. I must write and post some to gain VIP ticket this year. I plan to visit Mr. Wolfie again this year with my beloved friends. So this will be my temporary blog. But, if I get warm responses, maybe I'll just write here in the future (but I still miss my old tumblr *crying).

I will share my experience on BBW last year. I went on VIP day last year, on afternoon. There are some crowd but because ICE BSD is a huge place, still no problem at all. When I arrived, all of the books still in order and neat. A literally book heaven for book lover :)

Suasana di hari VIP
Suasana di hari VIP
Last year, I determine to buy a children book titled, Coraline by Neil Gaiman. Big Bad Wolf advertise that book will be sold on their official website. I spend like 1 hour or more searching for that book on VIP day and still can't find it. 

I ask the employee and nobody know where the book was. That turn out Coraline on display just on few last day. I determine to come just one day and can't help but disappointed.

I will share some of my personal opinion about BBW. I hope this piece of information will be helpful for fellow book lover that also want to visit BBW this year (this year BBW held on Ice, 29 Maret–9 April 2018). For easier, I will categorized the information into pros and cons, also I will add some tips and trick.


  • Lots of book. Lots of Genre, both fiction and non-fiction. If you're fan of Jodi Picoult, Stephen King, Mitch Albom, John Connolly, James Patterson, Enid Blyton, Peanuts, and Marvel; they have lots of collection of them. It's great if you want to complete your collection for some specific author (I share some photos below).
  • I still consider ICE BSD is the best place! Even it's little hard to be there, for now, that's no any other place better than ICE. BBW team also add little corner for customer take short rest and buy foods and drinks.
  • Lots of Children's book. I wonder a little that BBW no longer for book-lover, but for satisfy mother obsession (Oh! I forgot, I still talk about pros :P). But if you're a young mother that searching for children book, that's a very good event. That will be a very good occasion for family trip too~ As long you don't come at VIP day.
  • Most of the books unwrapped. You can browse and sneak peek for the first chapter before buying. That prevent impulsive buying and you can make certain you like the font, paper, and especially the story before take it. Just remember, if you don't like it, some people may like it. So keep the book clean and tidy.


  • I think fiction corner is less good than last year (2016). There are some rises of price (like 5k-10k). The are less variety and they tend to sell just popular books (books that well-known) or the very same book from same author from last year. But, don't worry BBW still provide lots of book that interesting to buy and there are still many book that threaten your wallet. I wish they will add more good classic stories this year not just Jane Austen and Jane Austen (that's a lot of variation of Jane Austen's book last year).
  • Like I mention before, I feel disappointed and dispirit because the advertisement. Lots of people know what book title that will be sell on BBW on their official social media. And when you search very hard and don't find it.. I'm so upset. For me, if they advertise them, they must sell it from the very first day. I also heard that Narnia box set also sold only for few last days.
  • Children books are (too) overpopulated. I don't know if parent buy that huge amount of books also give their time and energy to read for their dear children. Not just snap it to media then neglect it (I'm not being cranky, but I very concern about that). Just buy a considerable amount, and your children will be more happy if you don't just buy it. Read for them :)
  •  The drama and tragedy of "antrian kasir". I'll not elaborate that topic, just see my picture below. I hope last year will be the end of this drama and let's face the better BBW. I line at cashier for more than 3 hours and ended up using my fiesta point to achieve fast track (after much bicker with Mandiri employee). Lots of my friend already give up and go home.
  • This is the important negative aspect. Mandiri as the official partner, share on public many benefit as their card holder for this event. I think their employee not so ready with their promotion, sorry. But I judge last year Mandiri's service was disaster. This year, I hope Mandiri prove that they can be better BBW official partner.
  • The BBW employee also not so ready and helpful on VIP day. Maybe because there are part-timer and not memorize the location and (huge amount of) book very well. If you come at few first day, maybe you should just do it yourself. This cons for me still forgivable and at least they are all nice and friendly. I just browse and find out that they treated not so well (refer to this article, that just an honest opinion from one of the worker two years ago), as a nice reader don't get angry with them like that's their fault anyway. 
  • Jastips are still anywhere. I think if you came by yourself, browse the book one by one, pick what you like, and pay the books by yourself (especially from your own paycheck); you'll not as impulsive as just order from jastip. Large number of jastips still be one of my opinion why BBW not child-friendly event. 

The Antrian Tragedy Part 1
The Antrian Tragedy Part 1
The Antrian Tragedy Part 2
The Antrian Tragedy Part 2
BBW 2017 book haul
BBW 2017 book haul
Anyway, despite many lacking, for me BBW is a huge event that I'll always looking forward. I will definitely, no matter what, go to BBW 2018 and share my experience with you all, too. I've been on BBW Jakarta (oops, Tangerang) for two years. There are some (hopefully helpful) tips from me:
  • Use something comfortable. Keep in your mind you come there to shop some books not to window shopping at mall. It’s okay to wear slippers, T-shirt, and shorts. No one will stare at you (everyone will be busy to notice you! although there are high chances to run into someone you know). Wear something easy, not recommended to wear skirt or high heel, or thick clothes and complicated clothes.
  • I also recommend you to bring some snacks and water. They don’t seize your foods at the entrance, don’t worry. You are allowed to bring snacks. You could get dizzy by looking for so many books. You don’t know how many hours you will spent (like how many cash) at BBW. Just don't litter!
  • Don’t bring too many stuff. They don’t provide stowage, so you must carry your stuff the entire time. Backpack is also recommended. You could place your bag on trolley. When I went to BBW last year, I didn’t hear anything about thief, but it’s good to stay alert too.
  • If you haven’t installed online transportation (gojek, grab, uber), I recommend to install beforehand. It’s very helpful because like it’s the only way to go to BBW. There are no buses or small transportation to go there. I find it helpful too for memorize the hall gate. If you haven’t went to ICE, it’s like JCC/ GBK. If you go to wrong hall gate, maybe you must walk far.
  • Have some cash. This is important and you will help cashier job easier. Even you may to wait in long line, cash is the most safe and the most easy payment method. Have a list of books you looking for (author too) and get your goodreads on standby. Don’t buy so many books just to show off or you will regret it later. You can check some book catalog at BBW official instagram or facebook. If you not sure, you don’t have to buy all. You don’t have to buy books you will never read anyway.
  • The staff is there to answer your every question. Even google can’t answer. Don’t hesitate to ask!

And last, I will share my wish list (you can do it too, in the comment section. I'll try to remember if I ever saw that book on BBW before and inform you)

  1. Calm by Michael Acton Smith
  2. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
  3. IT by Stephen King
  4. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
  5. The Peanuts
  6. Neil Gaiman's book
  7. Maybe non-fiction book

Thank you for reading this far. I appreciate it so much. I haven't write for so long, my writing must be dull. If you still hesitate better to come or not, just come and regret it later :D

See you at BBW 2018!

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