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The Negative Impact of Online Learning due to Covid-19

29 Oktober 2022   10:06 Diperbarui: 29 Oktober 2022   10:14 335
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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

The Covid-19 virus pandemic has hit many countries in the world, including Indonesia itself. The Covid-19 virus has had various influences in the field of government to the field of education. The impact of the spreading corona virus pandemic has forced learning to be done remotely. Statistics from Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) released data on results conducted from 5 - 8 August 2020 related to online learning after the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey results showed that 92% of students experienced many problems and difficulties in participating in online learning during the corona virus pandemic. When educational activities are carried out online, what happens is only more of a learning process, so there is no way that can guarantee students get character education from their parents in accordance with the values that have been taught at educational institutions. Post-pandemic online learning has crisis problems: assignments given to students pile up, student character is difficult to monitor, and absorption of subject matter is minimal.

The first crisis that online learning faced after the covid pandemic was that the tasks assigned to students piled up. Because of the many tasks given but the deadlines are all close to each other so that some of them sometimes only complete 2 to 4 of the number of tasks given and in the end all tasks will pile up. It's not a coincidence that students are lazy to do assignments." As many as 77.8% complained that the assignments piled up because all the teachers gave assignments in a narrow time. The first task was not finished, the next task came from another teacher. Meanwhile, 37.1% of respondents complained about the limited time for doing assignments, which made students less rested and tired," said Retno during the presentation of the distance learning implementation survey (PJJ) and the online KPAI complaint-based distance assessment system. in Jakarta, Monday (27/4/2020). Therefore, communication between students and teachers must be well established so as not to make it difficult for students with the tasks given. Some students said that during distance learning the teacher often gave assignments rather than explaining the material to be given to students. In short, online learning does not really help students to gain knowledge, on the contrary it will only make students become stressed and lazy because of the many assignments that cannot be submitted on time.

The next character student is difficult to monitor. Online learning makes it difficult for teachers to monitor the character of their students so that character building in schools and universities does not work well. As a result, many students become awkward when interacting with other people. "Online learning for kindergarten or elementary school faces various problems, including the level of participation of parents who really have to be extra in accompanying their children. And in fact this role is not optimally carried out because it is busy and so on," said the Head of the Branch Management of the Ma'arif NU Educational Institution in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Suwarno, Friday (6/11). met virtually for approximately two years. There may be readjustments. Because the characteristics of students are difficult to recognize and understand if only face to face so far. Examples of the character in question are responsibility and honesty. There are also aspects of students that need to be explored and met by the teacher. In short, online learning is not effective in building the characteristics of a student, in addition to students who have difficulty interacting with teachers, it is also difficult to understand the character of students.

The absorption of the material is very minimal. Most students when they take part in online learning they feel bored quickly and lack concentration which they finally use to play games. This is because there is no direct interaction with the teacher or other people when learning begins. "Based on a survey from the Ministry of Education and Culture, it turns out that in the field what happened, teachers were more than 87%, or more than 85%, the activities carried out were still just giving questions. Even activities with textbooks are only 50.4% the easiest to give assignments and collect them. Of the total respondents surveyed by UNICEF in the public's perception of covid-19 as much as 38%, respondents said they did not get teacher guidance. The limited interaction between educators and students and also the disturbances that arise when they study at home that break their concentration in learning are also the cause of the lack of students who absorb bold learning materials. So that many students prefer to study face-to-face compared to online learning because it does not increase one's knowledge. No, online learning is highly discouraged because we don't find the essence of the learning.

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