I am applying for a master’s program in Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) at the university of ..... I have a high interest in developing capabilities essential to the theories and difficulties of language curriculum design, assessment, and evaluation, and the further developing of English teaching method related to issues of diversities such as culture, mother tongue, and communicative competence in order to result the most suitable method fitting the learners need and background. I believe that this master’s program can prepare me to assume a specialty in the field of English teaching especially about theoretical approaches, language analysis, curriculum design, and intercultural communication in reaching the language learning goal in variety of contexts.
- Di contoh ini, saya menjelaskan tentang tujuan studi, jurusan, serta bagaimana program tersebut dalam membantu saya nanti di masa depan.
- Saya tidak menyebutkan latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja, tapi Anda bisa menambahkannya.
- Intinya, poin-poin yang saya masukkan sebelumnya bisa Anda masukkan selama dirasa relevan, hanya usahakan isi "terasa" se-akademik mungkin. Coba baca lagi contoh diatas, anda akan mendapati "sense" akademiknya. Tips: Biasanya, penting untuk melakukan eksplorasi jurusan yang diambil dahulu dikampus yang akan dilamar; disana akan ada penjelasan tentang jurusan dan berbagai terminologi yang bisa kita gunakan dalam tulisan.
Paragraf kedua, ketiga, keempat, dan kelima.
Apa yang harus dibagian ini?
- Anda menjelaskan tentang "research plan" yang akan dilakukan saat studi nanti.
- Disini perlu diingat, hanya ada sekitar empat atau lima paragraf saja yang bisa Anda tulis, jadi ini berbeda dengan research proposal skripsi S1 yang biasanya harus berlembar-lembar.
- Tetapi, isi bagian ini harus mencover: judul, latar belakang, research questions, literature review, methodology, serta manfaat penelitian ini di masa depan. Namun, semuanya dijelaskan secara ringkas, padat, dan jelas.
Paragraf Kedua dan ketiga.
In the master’s program, I plan to conduct a research concerning about integrated practical English teaching method resulted from incorporating various life contexts of the learners. This idea comes along with my awareness of English teaching method should be varied between one to another place. So many are factors influencing the successful of learners learning such as, culture, experience in learning new language, knowledge, family background, and future goal, that the English teaching method used in the classroom to reach the language learning goal must be varied among the different learners. Simply, this research will raise issues of the learners’ diversities in English teaching, then exploring and integrating the diversities to develop the most suitable pedagogical method and lesson plans.
My bachelor study on English Teacher Training and Education has prepared me with a strong grounding in English and theoretical aspects of teaching which can contribute in developing my self swiftly to reach my future goal in the master’s program. I have learned about Study and Learning, Professions of Education, Teaching English as a Foreign Language I and II, Curriculum and Material Development, and Teaching Practice in my bachelor study, of which I got the highest marks. Furthermore, I have also written scientific papers and articles on education since I was an undergraduate student. My paper on education was awarded as the runner up in “Sayembara Ide (Idea Competition)”at provincial level. My articles have also been published in a bilingual newspaper. Then, I completed my study by receiving the highest mark in the study program for my final-year undergraduate thesis on English education. Such experiences surely link one another, of which I consciously learn that English teaching should be dominated by advanced concepts and assisted by effective teaching strategies. For this reason, I have totally provided my self to perform well in my future study.
- Di contoh di atas, paragraf pertama menjelaskan "judul riset", tetapi masih didalam sebuah topik. Ini juga tidak masalah kalau Anda belum tahu pasti judulnya. Asalkan memahami "permasalahan yang ingin diteliti atau yang menjadi fokus studi nanti".
- Di paragraf kedua, saya menjelaskan bagaimana latar belakang saya akan membantu saya dalam melakukan riset tentang ini. Informasi ini penting untuk meyakinkan komite penyeleksi bahwa kita sudah punya pengalaman dan latar belakang yang memadai untuk melakukan riset tentang ini.
Selanjutnya, anda bisa menjelaskan sekilas bagaimana topik di di literature, methodology, dan manfaatnya nanti.
Literature review
There have been so many studies focusing on ......, but still a few explore why the ......
..................terus lanjutkan pada apa yang ada di literature review. Tetapi, disini tidak ada refensi ya karena ini bukan research paper. Jadi ambil hal-hal penting saja yang diketahui tentang ini.