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Online Learning Management of a Learning Management System (LMS) for an Effective Learning in University

31 Desember 2021   13:25 Diperbarui: 31 Desember 2021   14:33 407
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Gambar 1.2 : Kegiatan Seminar Mahasiswa

In the current world, Technology has changed the way people learn. The main question does not lie in whether one should get learning in the classroom or be offered with a Learning Management System, what matters is how it is implemented. Online learning is no different from classroom classes in that they both offer the same things as diplomas and certificates. The only difference is the way in which each way of learning is acquired.

Online Learning

Online learning is a method of education whereby students learn in a fully virtual environment. First introduced in the 1990s with the creation of the internet and utilized in distance learning, online learning (also called e-learning) is most prevalent in higher education, enabling students from different geographical areas to engage with an academic institution and other students online and learn flexibly, at their own pace, while working towards a degree or certificate.

Online learning refers to an internet-based learning environment that can connect students of diverse backgrounds who boast different perspectives. A higher education institution will use a learning management system, or LMS, to facilitate online learning, which can take the form of asynchronous learning (where students are not required to be online at the same time, and utilize discussion threads and e-mails to complete coursework) or synchronous learning (where students must be online at the same time).

Some of the effectiveness of online learning that has been identified is the fact that students tend to perform better on average compared to those who take lessons in class. They do their best because of the close relationship they have with the tutor. On the other hand, there are a large number of students who attend classes in class but because of their number, they cannot get the opportunity to interact directly with the teacher unless there is a need. People are looking for Many new ways to learn. One of the most popular methods is online learning. Unfortunately, this method has not only advantages but also disadvantages.

Gambar 1.2 : Kegiatan Seminar Mahasiswa
Gambar 1.2 : Kegiatan Seminar Mahasiswa

Online learning methods are advantageous for many reasons. First of all, It is very convenience. A human can use computer access and internet connection anywhere, for example at home, outdoors or even on a bus. This benefit is especially important for people who live in remote rural areas and cannot recolate or travel to school. However, It is also useful for parents who want to study  young children at home or any student who prefers to work in the comfort of their own home or coffee.

Online learning can be more convenient for those with busy schedules or living far from campus. Online learning can be a great learning resource because they help students learn at their own pace, help those with more responsibilities but still want an education, and are much cheaper. Working at their own pace is better for those who tend to always be ahead of class or for those who fall behind in a subject. Online learning gives more time to study because there is no need to commute to class when all you have to do is turn on the computer or any device that can communicate with their teacher.

Gambar 1. 3 : Synchronous Learning Melalui Forum Diskusi pada E-Learning
Gambar 1. 3 : Synchronous Learning Melalui Forum Diskusi pada E-Learning

On the other hand, Online learning has negative aspects. First of all, limited social interaction prevents learning how much time a person wants. Always online programs give people limited possibilities to use their programs. Later students will have to pay money if they wish to pursue further courses. Furthermore, the only online learning communication method is via e-mail, chat rooms or discussion groups. People cannot interact with other people face to face. This is an unnatural way of communication. Humans do not see and feel the relationship with classmates and feedback.

Based on my experience as a student doing online learning, it is more comfortable because of the way I continue to interact with my lecturers. Communication is easy and can be done at any time including at night because all that is needed is a machine and internet. This has made it easier for me to follow the syllabus in an effective way. The teaching technique is also different from classroom teaching as we mainly use videos plus online quizzes to enhance our thinking on the topic. The way the interaction is controlled between us and the lecturers in online learning has positively affected our performance.

Gambar 1.4 : Asynchronous Learning melalui Video Conference (Vidcon) via Google meet atau Zoom meeting
Gambar 1.4 : Asynchronous Learning melalui Video Conference (Vidcon) via Google meet atau Zoom meeting

Gambar 1.5 : Online Learning Monitoring
Gambar 1.5 : Online Learning Monitoring

Online learning requires more self-monitoring which triggers self- discipline making us students more responsible and accountable for our studies. That's why we graduate more often compared to class students. On the other hand, the time I spend studying is different from the time I spend studying in class. We always spend most of our time doing the studies given by the lecturers. Learning Management System is a learning system without direct face to face between teachers and students but is carried out online using the internet network.

Teachers must ensure that teaching and learning activities continue, even when students are at home. The solution, teachers can design learning media as innovations with online learning. It can be said about online education that there are some challenges in online learning that must be overcome. Also, the benefits of online learning are more as per the situation today. Online learning has grown significantly due to the digital age and the Covid-19 Pandemic. Certainly, Looking at the situation today, it can be said that the future of online learning is very bright and it is bringing a revolution in the field of education.

The cooperative of teachers and parents is absolutely necessary. Teachers never meet students and parents do not monitor their children's learning activities, a deadly combination to hinder student learning during the pandemic. However, in rural areas, this kind of incident is normal, parents do not understand technology and everything is left to their sons and daughters. Actually, these difficulties occur because students are not accustomed to learning independently, this habit must be formed in students from now on.


The Ministry of Education and Culture has been working on training series of learning teachers related to this, but again not all teachers can take part in the online training. Either because of time constraints or indeed less able to operate computer equipment. Again, mastery of technology is a crucial area for teachers during the pandemic. The essence of learning is increasing the experience and knowledge of students when compared to before learning.

Gambar 1.6 :
Gambar 1.6 : "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". -Nelson Mandela

We hope that regardless of the implementation learning management system can increase students' knowledge and experience more or less. Let's do what we can according to the conditions and needs of each region. Better a little than nothing. As educators, who else will drive the wheels of education if not us teachers. Hopefully, this pandemic period can increase our enthusiasm in learning new things that are beneficial for the nation's education. Online learning is necessary for humans due to it relieves and accelerates a method to deepen themselves skills.

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