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Merci Fourte
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Mahasiswi Universitas Pertamina Aktivitis Lingkungan




Indonesia's Climate Needs Your Action!

9 Desember 2017   20:20 Diperbarui: 11 Desember 2017   11:02 1306
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A tropical country with an ethnic culture and various biodiversity, that's what describes Indonesia in a nutshell. Indonesia is an archipelago country located in Southeast Asia, between the Pacific and India Ocean. It's located in the Ring of Fire, which is a line of active volcano mountain. The rich beauty contained in the land and the deep sea is the jewel of the country. However, this fascinating country can cause such disasters.

Climate change is literally a climate that changes as global temperatures rise. The increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, especially CO2, has trapped the heat in the Earth's atmosphere. The effects are global warming and extreme weathers. Climate change is already causing substantial loss and damage, and this issue has only become more urgent.

The term Loss and damage indicates impacts climate change that occurs despite the efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate changes. Loss and damage can result from sudden-onset events (climate disasters, such as cyclones) as well as slow-onset processes (such as sea level rise). It was not until 2007 when the Bali Action Plan called for action on 'disaster risk reduction strategies and loss and damage in particularly vulnerable countries', the term loss and damage was coined and the issue firmly entered the UNFCCC negotiation agenda.

This coincided with the release of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which made clear that historic greenhouse gas emissions had already made a certain amount of loss and damage unavoidable. Under the Bali Action Plan, loss and damage were housed within the adaptation pillar and was understood to comprise facilitative approaches, including disaster risk reduction strategies and risk transfer and management tools such as insurance.

A conclusive evidence of loss and damage is the Cempaka cyclone which happened recently in November. It's the biggest cyclone that had ever happened in Indonesia so far. The Cempaka cyclone was recorded in South Java windblown region which led to an increase in rain cloud growth. The wet air mass flow from the west causes the air conditions around Java and DIY to become very unstable. The Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Council in Indonesia stated that this kind of cyclone is very rare and extreme climate is the culprit. Not long after, a new type of cyclone named Dahlia hit the other part of Indonesia this December.

The cyclone impact most of the innocent citizen. rain winds and landslides hit the homes of villagers. It damages their house and some lives were lost. Yogyakarta, Magelang, and Pacitan get the biggest impact. Moreover, a cyclone in Pacitan results in 11 deaths.

Due to the broken living place, the villagers are forced to move from the dangerous area. They had losses a part of their family and a home. This is an unfortunate thing to see because the cyclone usually hit less economy developed village and the migration can turn their life different. They may lose their job because most of them work as a farmer which farm is destroyed by the cyclone. Fishermen also can't find money like they used to because of the extreme wind condition at the sea.

Loss and damages caused by climate change can impact people's social life. When a cyclone destroys a farm, the farmer's family have to find a new place to stay. Not all family have relatives that would like to accommodate them and not all have a financial support to rent a place. This could result in them to be homeless. Due to the lack of financial support, children may suffer from malnutrition and leave them out of school.

It's an irony that Indonesia had two extremely different faces. In the capital city, people are living in hedonism while the people in the remote place are suffering. Citizen in the city can buy expensive branded products every week, but in the other part of the country, a family can only afford 1 fish for them all.

Education about moral is always applied every day in school, but not all people get the awareness about their world. Climate change and its impact are already learned by children since elementary school. But children only get a score on a paper. Not the real action.

Many people want change, but not all want to contribute to change. People kept on blaming the government because of the disasters they have had. Well, the government made mistakes too. However, it's not the time for people to blame each other.

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